Aiims Jodhpur Recruitment 2024 For Project Research Scientist & Project Technical Support Staff

Aiims Jodhpur - Experience : Freshers

Aiims Jodhpur recruitment for 2024 for project research scientist & project technical support staff in jodhpur. Apply for project research scientist & project technical support staff govt job in aiims jodhpur.


Job Information

This job is the part of aiims jodhpur recruitment and belong to government jobs updates. Aiims Jodhpur is offering jobs for freshers for the post of aiims jodhpur recruitment 2024 for project research scientist & project technical support staff in Jodhpur so if you are looking for government jobs in Jodhpur location and your educational qualification is resume format for freshers to crack aiims jodhpur job interview and check all government jobs faq for answer of your all queries.

Job Title : Project Research Scientist & Project Technical Support Staff
Company Name : Aiims Jodhpur
Job Location : Jodhpur , Rajasthan
Education : B.Sc ,BDS ,MBBS ,MDS ,Phd
Category : Government Jobs
Experience : Freshers
Post Date : 15 April, 2024
Last Date : 14 May, 2024

Job Details


Basni Phase-II, Jodhpur-342005 (Raj)

File No.: AIIMS/REC./2024/100 Dated: 10-04-2024

Subject: Recruitment for the following posts on a purely temporary basis in the Extramural Research Projecttitled “ICMRs Multistate Implementation Research Study on Suicide Risk Reduction and Improving Mental Well- being among School and College Students.

Applications in the prescribed format are invited for the following posts on a purely temporary basis for the Extramural Research Project titled “ICMRs Multistate Implementation Research Study on Suicide Risk Reduction and Improving Mental Well-being among School and College Students”, under Principal Investigator Dr. Neeti Rustagi, Professor, Department of Community Medicine & Family Medicine, AIIMS, Jodhpur as per the details given below:




No of Post

Essential Qualification

Monthly salary

Age Limit




Project Research Scientist III (Medical)




MBBS/BVSc/BDS+ Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG degree with three years’ experience or MPH/PhD.


Desirable:- Previous experience of working incommunity projects and proficiency in Hindi and English Language.


Job Profile:- Must be able to conduct field survey to collect primary data, documentation of records, report writing etc. Should be ready to travel to rural areas. Should coordinate with PI for all project related activities. Should be ready to travel to remote and rural areas of Jodhpur and able to form good rapport with all stakeholders. Must be able to conduct review of literature, carry out primary data collection, stakeholder interviews,

statistical analysis, report writing etc.


Rs. 93,000/-

+ HRA (18%)


Date Of Interview:- 09-05-2024







Project Research Scientist II (Medical)




  • MBBS/BVSc/BDS with three years’ experience.

  • MBBS/BVSc/BDS with MPH/PhD

  • MBBS/BVsc/BDS+ Post Graduate Degree, including the integrate PG degrees.

Desirable:- Previous experience of working incommunity projects and proficiency in Hindi and English Language.


Job Profile:- Must be able to conduct field survey to collect primary data, documentation of records, report writing etc. Should be ready to travel to rural areas. Should coordinate with PI for all project related activities. Should be ready to travel to remote and rural areas of Jodhpur and able to form good rapport with all stakeholders. Must be able to conduct review of literature,

carry out primary data collection, stakeholder interviews, statistical analysis, report writing etc.


Rs. 80,000/-

+ HRA (18%)


Date Of Interview:- 09-05-2024







Project Research Scientist I (Non- Medical)




  • First Class Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG Degree.

  • Second Class Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG degree with PhD

  • For Engineering/IT/CS- First Class Graduate Degree of Four Years.

Desirable:- Previous experience of working in community projects and proficiency in Hindi and English Language.

Job Profile:- Must be able to conduct field survey to collect primary data, documentation of records, report writing etc. Should be ready to travel to rural areas. Should coordinate with PI for all project related activities. Should be ready to travel to remote and rural areas of Jodhpur and able to form good rapport with all stakeholders. Must be able to conduct review of literature, carry out primary data collection, stakeholder interviews,

statistical analysis, report writing etc.


Rs. 56,000/-

+ HRA (18%)


Date Of Interview:- 09-05-2024







Project Technical Support Staff-III



Essential:- Graduate in Science/relevant subjects/from a recognized university with five years’ work experience from a recognized institution.


Master’s degree in relevant subject (Psychology/Social work/Sociology)

Desirable:- Previous experience of working in community projects and proficiency in Hindi and English Language.

Job Profile:- Must be able to conduct field survey to collect primary data, documentation of records, report writing etc. Should be ready to travel to rural areas. Should coordinate with PI for all project related activities. Should be ready to travel to remote and rural areas of Jodhpur and able to form good rapport with all stakeholders. Must be able to conduct review of literature, carry out primary data collection, stakeholder interviews,

statistical analysis, report writing etc.


Rs. 28,000/-

+ HRA (18%)


Date Of Interview:- 14-05-2024




Job duration: One year*

  • All candidates should submit the filled application in the prescribed format and Bio-data on the day of Walk-In- Interview and should appear in person for Walk-In-Interview along with all relevant original documents and one set of self-attested photocopies of documents regarding age, qualifications and relevant experience, on relevant date (date of interview for the mentioned posts of will be on 09-05-2024 & 14-05-2024 at 09:00 AM) at following address:

Recruitment Section, Second Floor,Medical College Building,

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur


  1. Reporting time for candidates starts at 09:00 AM on relevant dates (09-05-2024 & 14-05-2024) and the closing time to report for the interview is 10:00 AM on the same day, after which no additional candidates would be entertained for interview.

  2. The above posts are filled on purely on a temporary basis, co-terminus with the project & the candidate will have NO right to claim for permanent Employment under AIIMS, Jodhpur or continuation of his/her services in any other project.

  3. No enquiries shall be entertained in this regard after the due date.

  4. Post may increase/decrease as per requirement and at the sole discretion of the Research Section, AIIMS, Jodhpur.

  5. All educational professional and technical qualifications should be from a recognized Board/ University and full-time.

  6. The experience requirement specified should be experience acquired after obtaining the minimum educational qualifications required for the post.

  7. Persons working in Govt. or Public Sector undertaking should produce a “No ObjectionCertificate” at the time of the Interview.

  8. No TA/DA will be admissible to appear in the interview.

  9. This position will be purely on a temporary/contractual basis for the specified period of time andbased on the project.

  10. The salary is a consolidated sum without any other benefits and it is based on t h e experience, qualifications, skill set, etc. of the candidates.

  11. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

  12. Age concession to the extent of service rendered in other research projects may be admissible for experienced and skilled persons on a case-to-case basis.

  13. Age / Education qualification / Experience will be considered till the last date of the advertisement.

  14. Please note that all the essential qualifications and experience certificates are required to be enclosed with the application form. Otherwise, the application will be considered incomplete.

Candidate Profile

MBBS/BVSc/BDS+ Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG degree with three years’ experience or MPH/PhD.

MBBS/BVSc/BDS with three years’ experience. MBBS/BVSc/BDS with MPH/PhD , MBBS/BVsc/BDS+ Post Graduate Degree, including the integrate PG degrees.

First Class Post Graduate Degree, including the integrated PG Degree

Graduate in Science/relevant subjects/from a recognized university with five years’ work experience from a recognized institution.
Master’s degree in relevant subject (Psychology/Social work/Sociology)

Salary : ₹ 93000/- Per Month

Education : B.Sc ,BDS ,MBBS ,MDS ,Phd

About Aiims Jodhpur
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur is a medical institute and medical research public university located in Jodhpur, India. It is considered an Institute of National Importance, and is one of twenty All India Institutes of Medical Sciences.

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