Whole Testpaper LBSIM, DELHI - 10 June 2006
VALUEONE PAPER AT LBSIM, DELHI ON 10th JUNE 2006 Selection Procedure : 30 mins aptitude test 45 mins c/c++ test 30 mins lab test Technical Interview HR Interview Q1 If the first half of the alphabet is written in reverse order then which lettr will b the middle letter between 9th letter from left and 10th letter from the rightB, A,N,D,none Q2 Pointing towards a lady in photo vimal said she is the daughter of my grand fathers only son how is vimal related to her Brother,cousin,father,uncle,none Q3 in a row of girls subha is 10 from the left and rupa is 11 from right when they both interchange their position rupa becomes 15 from right what will b subhas no from left 17,14,16,13,none Q4...