Technical - C & C++
NCR Placement Paper and Sample PaperThe pattern for the company NCR Teradata in HYD.The exam was of 1:45 and consisted of C,C++,DataStructures, total 4(5 Marks)... but I couldn,t get thru.... Note that the code or the values may not be correct.... Just get the concept.Predict the o/p... each 1 mark1.static int i;{i=10;...}printf("%d",i);Ans: 102.#define func1(a) #a#define func2(a,b,c) a##b##cprintf("%s",func1(func2(a,b,c)))Ans: func2(a,b,c)3.const int* ptr;int* ptr1;int a=10;const int p=20;ptr=a;ptr1=p;4.class avirtual disp(){ printf("In a");}class b:public adisp(){ printf("In b");}class c:public adisp(){ printf("In c");}main(){a obj;b objb;c objc;a=objb;a.disp();a=objc;a.disp();Ans: "In a"...