a processor has two level cache.Their access time (level1 and level2) is 100ns and 300ns respect.Memeory access time is 1000ns$ ans is 140 (b)
diskless server uses
a rarp
b arp
c ftp
ans rarp
which one of them is not a client server
and one more
ans is e-mail or telephone.
Which one is used to represent operations
and one more
ans binary tree
one qustion was on private key and public key.The quest. was
f a wants to send a message to b that no one other that b should $
A private key
A public key
B private key
B public key
6.compliers maintain
ans is symbol table From Diwaka
what a java interface not have ?
ans - instance variables
what is done with java code on a web-page
ans - downloaded and executed on ur pc
what is the order of deleting a node from a linked list given a ptr
to it
ans O(n) ( since u have to traverse the list to reach the prev.
what is RSA
how can A send a messageto B so that B knows its from A
ans A uses his private key so that B can use A,s public key
what is the best sort in worst case
ans heap sort
what can access protected memebers of a class
ans other classes of that program
what protocol is used by a machine to map an ip to hardware address
ans arp
hat is the size of ipv6
ans 128 bits
how many keys are needed in symmetric and asymmetric crptography?
ans - i dont know
how many keys are needed in symmetric and asymmetric crptography?
ans - i dont know
one on a right threaded tree
very easy k-map
ans i think its b)
very easy ckt
ans choice which has option : a&c are equivalent
what in unix doesnt have a fd
ans process ( this was the first ques ).