Hughes Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

Download hughes placement papers in ms word and pdf format for written exams. Check hughes sample interview questions and test papers for your job interview.

Whole Testpaper Gurgaon

Hughes test conducted at Gurgaon           The paper contains the two sections         Section 1 (20 ques) contains all the questions related to quant,s, simple mathematics, and          simple logical question. so asfar as theis section is concern u don,t need any extra book          only R.S Aggarwal is sufficient. Section 2(30 ques) coice b/t CS paper and Electronics paper.    nice(,val,)? unix command  for(l=1;a<=l;a++)     cout<<++a;cout<<a;                                                                                                ...


HUGHES PAPER   Aptitude Questions Age problem Time and distance Coin direction problem (2n + 2 n-1/2 n+1 2n) what is gives if n = something ( 10n 1) n>1 when is divisible by divisible by 8 find the missing no. when it is divisible by some no  Boat problem Average            Technical Questions Which one is called family tree virtual function and overloading DHCP protocol order of insertion and Heap sort                                         ...

Whole Testpaper - Old Example 5

HUGHES PAPER PATTERN   section A 30m (Compulsary)  section B or C 20 m(changed )m  Attempt either B or C sec B contains CST C E&C  Better to attempt Electronics paper (Those who are having electronics background)   Section A Which of the folowing is not correct   a. (x+y),=x,.y, b. (x,+y,),=x.y   c. (x,.y,),=x+y d. (x,+y,),=x,.y, [d] Question on logic ckt. U have to find the output    ans. AB,+CD,+EF, Output of MUX        _________      c-----| |      c,----| |-------Y      c,----| | ans. A xor B xor C     ...

Old Example 4 - Whole Testpaper

HUGHES PAPER   section A:30 bits  section B:20 bits  section C:20 bits  section A is compulsory  attempt either section C or section B   for electronics background,it is better to attempt  sec B     Section C an lead compensator zero is at Z=Zc, pole is at P=Pc then the following is correct      a.  Pc > Zc, pc< 0, zc< 0  b.  c. gain margin of g(s)h(s)=1/s(s+k);  a.   sqrt(1+k2)  b.   0  c.    infinity  d.    1 machestor code does not improves                                                                   ...

Whole Testpaper - Old Example 3

HUGHES Sample Questions          What is max. no. of hops in hypercube n/w with n (=2 ^ p) to go from one node to another ?      a. p      b. log p      c. n ^ 2 What is Kerberos ?    ans. Authentication Protocol. In completely connected multiprocessor system with n processors , links will be of the order of   a. O(n ^ 2)   b. O(2 ^ n)                                                                                                ...

General - Other - 1 January 2003

a processor has two level cache.Their access time (level1 and level2) is 100ns and 300ns respect.Memeory access time is 1000ns$ ans is 140 (b) diskless server uses a rarp b arp c ftp d.telnet ans rarp which one of them is not a client server e-mail telephone webserver and one more ans is e-mail or telephone. Which one is used to represent operations infix postfix binarytree and one more ans binary tree  one qustion was on private key and public key.The quest. was f a wants to send a message to b that no one other that b should $ A private key A public key B private key B public key 6.compliers...

Old Example 1 - General - Other

Interview questions  What are the 7 layers in ISO-OSI layer, describe each layer    Can I remove Session Layer from ISO_OSI model..? Can I remove Session Layer from ISO_OSI model..? Hem: I said yes.., because there is no session layer in TCP/IP still it satisfies our requirements why data link layer protocol, what are main functions of it..? I am sending data  from machine A to machine C, in between there is an intermediate machine B, then how machine B will know that it is not intended for it  a)  In which layer of machine B determines that the data is not for it..?  b)The sending data is divided into packets, does machine B tests all the...

General - Other - 21 March 2004

Given a digital ckt with nand gates. what is o/p Ans. nor gate Given an logical expr. x,y,z. simplify ans. xz It is recommended to use which type of variables in a recursive module. Ans. static variables. which one of following is not memory management model?given buddy system, monitors, paging, swapping      Ans. monitors What m/c is used to recognize context free grammar ? Ans. pushdown automata Which type of grammar can be recognized by finite state m/c Ans. right linear grammar.  proc() {     static i=10;     printf("%d",i);     }  If this proc() is called second time, what is the o/p Ans. 11  ...

Old Example 2 - General - Other - 1 January 2004

Technical  CSMA/Cd protocol used in      Ans : Ethernet Checksum in IP packet is         Ans : Sum of the bits and 9,s complement of sum  Inselective repeat Max Seq is given find windowsize  Ans : (15+1)/2 = 8  Main memory cache direct mapping  Ans : 64 Address lines and data lines for 4K x 16 Ans : Addr 12, Data 16 Infix to postsize commession uses Ans : operator stack Printing ofstatic variable Ans : 11 Ans : 1,2,3,4 ( Program is given     array[0] = 1;     array[1] = 2;     array[2] = 3     array[3] = 4    ...
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