Whole Testpaper Mit, Manipal - 11 August 2006 by HP
Details of Whole Testpaper Mit, Manipal - 11 August 2006 by HP conducted by HP for job interview.
HP PAPER PATTERN ON 11th AUGUST 2006 AT MANIPAL 3 Rounds of interview 1-Written Test 2-Technical 3-Hr Round
1-Written Test
4 parts
First part was Engish.There was a comprehension and aticle and preposition filling and synonyms and rearranging the sentences.
Sceond part was analytical reaoning- set theory,cubes and age.
Third part- verbal and non-verbal R.s agarwal--- Questions like if + is - and / is + and son on.. what will the value be. Find the odd one out and there were conditions given inference some answers from those.
Fourth part- A 3 page long passage was given.We were told to read it for 15 mins.Then answer a set of question after that.
2-Technical Round
Questions on C,C++,Java and Unix.They will ask your specialized subject and ask questions according to that.They also ask about projects. 3-Hr Round It is an informal round. They ask about Hp. What do we expect from Hp.