Hp Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

Download hp placement papers in ms word and pdf format for written exams. Check hp sample interview questions and test papers for your job interview.

HP Gurgaon - 21 February 2009

APTITUDE QUESTION OF HEWITT 60 question 60 minutethe age of man is 32 years and 8 years ago what was the age of man i)x-32 ii) 32-x iii) x-24 iv)24-x A monkey climbs 6 mts and falls 3mts in alternate minutes.Then time taken to climb a tree 60metres high? a. 35 b.37 c.32 d.34 (think the answer is 37)A man gets a gain of x%. but if he had sold at twice the cost price, what will be his gain?(question not sure) a. 2x b.200-2x c.100+x (not sure of the options)A trader marks his goods and declares two successive discounts of 10% each. What is his overall Price? a) 19% gain b) 4% gain c) 4% loss (A) d) 19% loss e) No loss No gain series related question 2-3 like64,125,216....... what next ans 2431...

HP Mit, Manipal - 11 August 2006

HP PAPER PATTERN ON 11th AUGUST 2006 AT MANIPAL3 Rounds of interview1-Written Test2-Technical3-Hr Round1-Written Test4 partsFirst part was Engish.There was a comprehension and aticle and preposition filling and synonyms and rearranging the sentences.Sceond part was analytical reaoning- set theory,cubes and age.Third part- verbal and non-verbal R.s agarwal--- Questions like if + is - and / is + and son on.. what will the value be. Find the odd one out and there were conditions given inference some answers from those. Fourth part- A 3 page long passage was given.We were told to read it for 15 mins.Then answer a set of question after that.2-Technical RoundQuestions on C,C++,Java and Unix.They will...

HP GITAM, Visakhapatnam - 21 January 2010

Today we had HP company on campus to our college, GITAM, Visakhapatnam.They allowed CSE ECE IT EIE EEE MCAThe selection process totally has four rounds...Written testGroup DiscussionTechnical roundFinally HRFor CSE, IT and MCA, the pattern is as follows.In written test, there are 6 sectionsIn APTITUDE, they asked totally 25 questions for 30minutes.some questions on Data Sufficiency, some questions on Venn Diagrams, cubes and speed and time one question, time managementone question, blood relation 1-question (very easy).I remember this much only.Try to complete in given time.There are no negative marks.In section 2 ten questions on C language like NULL present in which header file, syntax of...

HP Oxford Engg College, Bangalore - 12 January 2011

ITO Fresher Hiring.There are 50 questions in written test. They give 3 set of question paper. First set contain 25 verbal. It is so difficult to me.Then second set of questions are very easy. It is contain sequence diagram, paragraph question and similar too.And finally third set have 15 questions based on DSL.All the best for your future!

HP MIT,manipal - 17 March 2010

HP PAPER PATTERN ON 17th march 2010 AT MANIPALthey allowed ECE,EEE,CSE,ITselection process steps1-Written Test2-Technical3-Hr Round1-Written Testin written test three sections you can opt for JAVA,C,C++i chose C++.4 parts in each sectioneach part of 20 or 25 ques aprrox 100 questnseach section 25 minsFirst part was C,C++. qstns on fundamentals ,programs and their output . objective typeSecond part was - verbal and non-verbal R.s agarwal figure pattern ,ages ,sets etcThird part was again on C,C++ little more intensive objective type long programs like reverse a integer , sum of digits ofall numbers etc. tests your fundamentals Fourth part- OS and Networking questions on OSI layers ,heaps,stacks...

HP Gitam, Visakhapatnam - 11 July 2007

totally four rounds...Written testGroup discussionTechnical roundFinally hrin written test, there are two sections for both IT and non IT branches.....aptitude and technical,there will be two setsIn APTITUDE, they asked totally 25 questions for 30minutes....some questions on venn diagrams(1,2,3,4)(little hard but can get it ), one question on ratio and proportion, ages, (4-5) questions on Data Sufficiency, 5 questions on binary decimals(very easy), speed and time one question, one problem on series(it is hard better leave it if you cant do it,but dont waste time), directions-1 question(very easy), blood relation 1-question (very easy),,............i remember this much only.......try to complete...

HP 22 July 2008

HP PAPER ON 22ND JULY, 2008 Four rounds1.Test2.GD3.Technical(may be 2 rounds)4.Hr TEST (six sections)(214 attended)a. Analytical Mostly venn diagrams, sums like $ for 0 , * for 1 and 5 qns asked from that)b. OSc. Data communication and networking (also some problems were asked)d. C and UNIXe. DBMSf. I dont know d other section GD(67 attended)For my panel ,they asked discuss on our own topicWe choose Tea Vs CoffeeHere they will select half of the count I think so. Technical (time was something around 10.30)(44 attended)Since I told tat I am good in C, they asked to write two programs1.swap 2nos using pointers2.string reverse using pointers3.he gave one quantitative qn4.some qns on DBMS (my...

HP Panimalar College Of Engg, Chennai - 13 July 2007

HP PAPER ON 13th JULY AT CHENNAIHai....friends,here was one puzzle like there are 6 members in a family n they are teacher, student, engineer, lawyer, docter and housewife.2 is mother of 3 who is a teacher4 is Grand mother of 3 that is a house wife.3 is sister of 16 is father of 1 that is doctorand 5 is lawyer father of 6Q1- who is studentQ2- who is engineer.Q3- who is a girl in the family.Q4 - sum of the no between 1 to 100 divisible by 2 and 5.ans 550Q5 - some question were from english series as which will be nextADEHI .... and is LMQ6- some were from probability.as 2 dice are thrown and probabily of coming some more than 8.some question were from reasoning....and in last there was technical...

HP FIEM - 15 May 2007

HP PAPER ON 15th MAY hello everbody ...hope my questions will help1.the paper was totally filled with c.2.some programs were given and u are asked for the output.3. give the o/p of the following programs>>>a)main(){ printf("%d",scanf("%d%d",printf,scanf));}1)2 2)2 2 3)0 4)errorb)there was a program of swaping by pointer(check it out)c)main(){char *p="quick";char q[]="sort";char *t; t=malloc(sizeof(p)+sizeof(q)+1); strcpy(t,p); strcat(t,p);}1)quick sort 2)sort sort 3)quickqick 4)sort quickd)main(){ int s[]={1,2,3,4,5,6}; printf("%d",&a[0]-&a[5]);}1)error 2)8 3)6 4)0e)try to know pointer and its various operation (say what will happen if 2 pointer is added or int pointer is addressed to a char...

HP BANGALORE - 21 October 2003

HP PAPER - 21 OCT 2003- BANGALOREI attended the test conducted on 21st of oct at their office 29,Cunningham Road. There were 80 q,s to be answered in 75mins unlike the previous ones.there were 3 sectionsPART- 1 --> 40 q,s (Fundamental computer Concepts, includes OS,N/w , protocols)PART-2 --> 20 q,s (Purely C ) -- bit tricky (involves ADA concepts)PART-3 --> 20 q,s (Analytical) --- very easyI don,t remeber all the q,s.however some of them which i do have been written below. They r not in order or part of . Q : What is not a part of OS ? O : swapper,compiler,device driver,file system. A : compiler. Q : what is the condition called when the CPU is busy swapping in and out pages of memory without...

HP 1 August 2003

HP PATTERN - AUG 2003Hai,I am very pleased to say that i got into HP.The written test was quiet easy. There were 4 sections each containing 12 questions and duration 1 hr.1st-----General Knowledge 1.who is chief of Dell computers(Michael Dell) 2.which is low cost common man,s PC (Simputer) 3.In 2002, HP acquired a company (Compaq) and so on.2nd-------Computer Fundamentals Questions on Operating systems, Computer N/ws.3rd--------C/C++ if u r thorough with ,Test ur C skills by yeshavantkanetkar, u can easily answer.4th------Javathe question paper is varied for each test.After the test there r 2 rounds of technical interview.Then HR interview.I am very thankful to this group for all the information...

HP Kolkatha

HP SAMPLE PAPER KOLKATHA Section A. ------50qns(general appitude,english etc): Section B. ------ 10 Questions on Computer concepts. Section C. ------ 30 Questions on C 1. WAP find and replace a character in a string.2. WA function to perform the substraction of two .Eg:char N1="123",N2="478", N3=-355(N1-N2).3. WAP dynamically intialize a 2 dimentional array Eg:5x20,accept strings and check for vowels and display the no.finally free the space allocated .4. WAP read a line from file from location N1 to N2 using command line agruments Eg:exe 10 20 a.c 5. WAP find the largest of 4 no using macros. General section Computer science general, c/c++ section, Java section ,The question paper had 48 questions...

General - Other Panimalar College Of Engg, Chennai - 13 July 2007

HP PAPER ON 13th JULY AT CHENNAI Hai....friends,here was one puzzle like there are 6 members in a family n they are teacher, student, engineer, lawyer, docter and housewife.2 is mother of 3 who is a teacher4 is Grand mother of 3 that is a house wife.3 is sister of 16 is father of 1 that is doctorand 5 is lawyer father of 6 Q1- who is studentQ2- who is engineer.Q3- who is a girl in the family.Q4 -  sum of the no between 1 to 100 divisible by 2 and 5.ans 550Q5 - some question were from english series as which will be nextADEHI   .... and is LMQ6- some were from probability.as 2 dice are thrown and probabily of coming some more than 8.some question were from reasoning.... and in...

Whole Testpaper Gitam, Visakhapatnam - 11 July 2007

HP PAPER ON 11th JULY AT VISAKHAPATNAM Good evening friends........today we had hp company on campus to our college,GITAM....they allowed CSE, IT, ECE, EIE, EEE, MCA, and M-TECH students...first we had ppt on mornig section followed by written. totally four rounds...Written testGroup discussionTechnical roundFinally hr in written test, there are two sections for both IT and non IT branches.....aptitude and technical,there will be two setsIn APTITUDE, they asked totally 25 questions for 30minutes....some questions on venn diagrams(1,2,3,4)(little hard but can get it ), one question on ratio and proportion, ages, (4-5) questions on Data Sufficiency, 5 questions on binary decimals(very...

Whole Testpaper Orissa Engg. College, Bhubaneswar - 6 June 2007

HP PAPER ON 6th JUNE AT BHUBANESWAR Hi! This is SOURAV SETHI..........4m Kharagpur.hp conducted t recruitment at our college on 6th june 2007. The selection process is as follows:1.Written2.GD3.Technical Interview4.HR Interview 1.The written test was conducted by a consultancy. It consisted of:1.Logical analysis(25 question):The questions were not hard some of them were very easy,particularly d venn diagram question.2.Technical(30question ):The technical question were tough,the questions were mainly 4m C,C++,rdbms n digital electronics ckt(DEC) There were sectional cut-off. 4m around 200 candidate only 63 cleared d written test.2.Then there was d GD.The GD topics were very simple like a.should...

Technical - Other FIEM - 15 May 2007

HP PAPER ON 15th MAY  hello everbody ...hope my questions will help 1.the paper was totally filled with c.2.some programs were given and u are asked for the output.3. give the o/p of the following programs>>>a)main(){ printf("%d",scanf("%d%d",printf,scanf));}1)2  2)2 2 3)0 4)errorb)there was a program of swaping by pointer(check it out)c)main(){char *p="quick";char q[]="sort";char *t;  t=malloc(sizeof(p)+sizeof(q)+1);  strcpy(t,p);  strcat(t,p);} 1)quick sort 2)sort sort 3)quickqick 4)sort quick d)main(){ int s[]={1,2,3,4,5,6}; printf("%d",&a[0]-&a[5]);}1)error 2)8 3)6 4)0 e)try to know pointer and its various operation (say what will happen...

Whole Testpaper Mit, Manipal - 11 August 2006

HP PAPER PATTERN ON 11th AUGUST 2006  AT MANIPAL 3 Rounds of interview1-Written Test2-Technical3-Hr Round1-Written Test4 partsFirst part was Engish.There was a comprehension and aticle and preposition filling and synonyms and rearranging the sentences.Sceond part was analytical reaoning- set theory,cubes and age.Third part- verbal and non-verbal R.s agarwal--- Questions like if + is - and / is + and son on.. what will the value be. Find the odd one out and there were conditions given inference some answers from those. Fourth part- A 3 page long passage was given.We were told to read it for 15 mins.Then answer a set of question after that.2-Technical RoundQuestions on C,C++,Java and...

Whole Testpaper Kolkatha

HP SAMPLE PAPER  KOLKATHA   Section A. ------50qns(general appitude,english etc):      Section B. ------ 10 Questions on Computer concepts.       Section C. ------ 30 Questions on C  1.   WAP find and replace a character in a string. 2.   WA function to perform the substraction of two .Eg:char N1="123",N2="478",      N3=-355(N1-N2). 3.   WAP dynamically intialize a 2 dimentional array Eg:5x20,accept strings and check      for vowels and display the no.finally free the space allocated . 4.   WAP read a line from file from...

Candidate Experiences

Interview Details: i gone through 3 interviews, two technical and one hrfirst is on project,os, unix, networks, micro processor, c, software engineeringsecond on micro processor,c, software engineering and some generalhr is just for formal to give offer letter. first interview first question is as usual, tell me about yourself. They observe your expressions and way of your delivary and your confidence. Friends be confident while you are telling, my suggesstion is prepare beforegoing there on paper and practice yourself before mirror. Then they ask about your project. They sometimes going in detail and ask you, while doingyour project , in which areas you feel tough and how would you overcome...

General - Interview

HP interview questions but it depends on who takes ur interview1 tell @ urself2 ur fav. prog. language3 write string compare program in C (optimize it)4 what is DML in oracle.5 what is RDBMS? howz it different from DBMS?4 What is abstraction? is it only in OOP or in C too? can we say printf func. in stdio.h is an abstraction?5 how will u write a prog to perpare a report based on sorting files on date. i.e u have say 10 files and u have to sort them n make a report of them date of creation/ size - wize.6 a question of java prog. where class was subclass of String and few output functions were there.7 few questions on output in C related to pointers (easy)8 Normalization? functional dependency...
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