Section C
1. an lead compensator zero is at Z=Zc, pole is at P=Pc then the following is correct
a. Pc > Zc, pc< 0, zc< 0
2. gain margin of g(s)h(s)=1/s(s+k);
a. sqrt(1+k2)
b. 0
c. infinity
d. 1
3. machestor code does not improves
a. clock recovery
b. bandwidth efficiency
4. possion distribution is used for
a. used in FSM
c.used for queuing delay system of mutually identical events of arrival
d. both a and c
5. no.of filpflops for mod 11 counter
a. four
b. five
6. no.of filpflops for mod 11 counter
a. four
b. five
7. if even parity is used for parity generation, what is the hamming distance (simple fig is given) ans:2
8. the code set is {00000,00111,11100,11011} what is the error detecting and correcting capability?
9. operational amp characteristics following is correct:
1. input impedance is 0
2. output impedance is infinity
3. input impedance is infinity
4. gain is infinity which combinations are correc
10. band pass signal having frequencies 2.5k and 4.5k?give the sampling freq
a. 9k
b. 4k
c. 4.5k
d. 7k
11. definition of avalanche diode multiplication
12. more no of ripples are present in the diagram?which is correct
a. lower order filter
b. high order filter
13. If CPU have one interrupt pin and on to connect with external devices with some priority? which type of the following is used?
a. parallel priority interrupt
b. daisy chain
c. RS filpflop
14. one megabit file transfer, serially on 9600 baud one start bit and two stop bits, then how much time it takes (approx)
a. 4 hours
b. 2 hours
c. 20 minutes
d. 2 minute
15. IEEE 802.5 is ans: TOKEN RING
16. Code sequence is given what is the error correcting distance
17. bit stuffing used in HDLC Protocol for ans: b is correct(read on text book)
Section A AND B (Both are mixed )
18 If "AaBbCc" is passed to the char
char x(*a)
return 1;
} what will be the output?
19 f(*p)
p=(char *)malloc(6);
char *p="bye";
what is the o/p? ans:bye
20 hen the program counter is incremented in the instruction cycle
a. fetch cycle
b. int cycle
c. execuation cycle
21 wo sorted lists of n elements will take at least fine the order of complexity?
a. 2n
b. n/2
c. square(n)
22 logic diagram is given? find the expression ans: OR gate
23 uestion on JAVA string ans: string ends without a null character
24 ache access time is 100ns. main memory access time is 1000ns, hit ratio is .9, find mean access time?
ans :200ns
25 hich is not suitable to find out IP address ans:ARP
26 about deadlock condition
27 convert 41.6875 into binary
28 read about IP AND IPX
29 read about NFS
30 DHCP is
a. for routing
b. for network address conversion
c. for diagnosis
31 xecution phase can be
a. pipelined
b. no parallelism is possible
c. vector processing
32 In public key algorithm , A wants to send message to B ..... which key is used
a. A public key
b. A private key
c. B public key
d. B private key
33 to prevent replay attacks in transmission
a. symmetric encoding
b. Asymmetric encoding
c. for every exchange, key should be changed
34 irtual functionality is used in C++
a. dynamic binding
b. if the derived func is present but base class not present
35 if there are n nodes in a binary tree, how many null pointers are there ans:n+1;
36 if heap sort contains n elements, no of comparsions required are
a. log(n)
b. height of heap sort
37 question on ICV(integrity check)
38 which of the following is efficient in terms of space
a. insertion sort
b. quick sort
c. selection
d. both a and c
39 in 32 bit representation, the range of numbers in 2,s complement form
ans :-2 to the power of 31 to 2 to the power of 31 minus 1
40 about normalization
41 socket is implemented in TCP Layer. which of the following is related to TCP layer
ans: port number
42 in reentrant procedure, which should be not used for passing parameters?
a. passed by reg
b. by direct
c. by indirect
d. by stack
43 flow control is used for
a. congestion at receiver
44 flow control is used for a. congestion at receiver
45 5 questions on DBMS are there
46 in global static variable , declartion in a file
a. localization of scope
b. persistance of the value through out the file
47 in sorted table contains elements , which of the searching is false
a. hash table
b. binary searching
48 in demand paging overhead of context switching is more due to
a. copy processes from disk to memory
b. viceversa
c. to get associative table
d. swapping to the disk
49 when write through is better than write back(related to cache memory)
50 which is false when normalization is used?can,t express
51 I :verification: are we doing right product
II: validation:are we doing product right
a. i and ii are true
b. i and ii are false
c. i true and ii false
d. i false and ii true
52 A table contains less than 10 elements which one is fastest
a. bubble sort
b. selection sort
c. quick sort
53 about subroutine, precondition is false. what about post condition
a. post condition is not defined
b. post condition is always true
54 When static variables are used, which one of the following is not possible?
a. dynamic run time
55 in product of x and y,
(not cleared)
what is cyclometric complexity?
a. 3
b. 2
c. 1
d. 0
The above SQL statement is correct or not?
(question is not cleared)
57 path testing is
a. white box
b. black box
c. installation test
d. environment test
58 program is given?
above algorithm represents what type of search?
a. binary search
b. interpolation search
c. sequential search
d. (may be "b" is correct);
59 if x->y in a relation R, x1 and x2 are in x, y1 and y2 are in y (question not cleared), about functional dependancy
a.x1=x2 and y1=y2
60 in a down loading from website ,which one is correct? ans: check the byte code and indicate the error, if any.
61 about UDP one Address is given but that is not the state table what will it do the packet
a. packet is discarded
b. packet is sent to ethernet server
c. packet is sent to other address
62 in associated memory for fast accessing which one is used
a. single linked list
b. double "
c. hash table
63 hich of the folowing is not correct
a. (x+y),=x,.y, b. (x,+y,),=x.y
c. (x,.y,),=x+y d. (x,+y,),=x,.y, [d]
64 Question on logic ckt. U have to find the output ans. AB,+CD,+EF,
65 Output of MUX
c-----| |
c,----| |-------Y
c,----| | ans. A xor B xor C
c-----| |---------
| |
A B (select lines)
66 If X and Y are two sets. |X| and |Y| are corresponding coordinates and exact no.of functions from X to Y is
97 then
a. |X|=97 |Y|=1 b. |X|=1 |Y|=97
c. |X|=97 |Y|=97 d. .....
67 If two dies are thrown simultaneously what is the prob. of one of the dice getting face 6 ?
a. 11/36 b. 1/3 c. 12/35 d. 1/36 [a]
68 The relation ,<,on reals is a. a partial order because of symmetric and reflexive
b. ... antisymmetric and ....
c. not ...... .. asymmetric and non reflexive
d. ... .... not anti-symm and non reflexive
69 In C language the parameters are passsed by a. values b. name c.referrence d....
70 Advantage of SRAM over DRAM ans. faster
71 Diasy chaining related question (refer Z80)
a. uniform interrupt priority
b.non .... ....
c.interfacing slower peripherals
72 RAM chips arranged in 4X6 array and of 8kX4bit capacity each. How many address lines reqd. to access
each byte
a. 12 b. 16 c.15 d. 17
73 Question related to AVL trees regarding how many no.of nodes to be changed to become balanced after
addition of a leaf node to a particular node. ans . 3
74 When following sequence is insertedin the binary search tree no.of nodes in left and right subtrees 52 86 64 20
3 25 14 9 85
75 Method used for Disk searching.. a.l inked list b. AVL c. B-tree d. binary tree
76 Which of the following is correct statement.
a. 1,s complement can have two zero re[resentations
b. 2,s ... ... represent an extra neg. number
c. 2,s & 1,s have no difference in representing 16-bit no.
77 AX=B where A is mXn ,b&X are column matrices of order m a. if m