Hi friends!!!!
I,m VIVEK KUMAR JHA,MCA student of SRM UNIV CHENNAI. I,m here to share my xperience of the caMPussing procedure conducted by NEWGEN on 4TH FEB,2010.
The selection procedure is of 4 rounds..
total ques was 40.(30 min)
First is written test
Second is gd round
Third is personal interview
fourth is technical round
IN WRITTEN TEST THERE WAS 3 SECTION .Written test consists of THESE TYPE:::::::;
1st(15 ques)-frm english based upon grammar(tense),fill in the blanks.the word was given.there was no any option.
2nd(15 ques)-frm logical reasoning bt question was also frm math.
3rd(10 ques)-frm technical(related to hardware,which was theoratically.)
there was no -ve marking.bt there was sectional cutt-off.