covansys is recruiting heavily many people have been asking abt covansys first round pattern;
You will be given a question booklet that contains many papers on different topics. Some are compulsorywhile some are optional (i.e. you can take this or that). All the papers are objective type.
Aptitude will be your first section-aptitude will be quite easy (simple distance, time, numbers etc.)
problems. Youll probably also have one question like the GRE analytical section (i.e. you will be given a paragraph followed by a set of 4/5 questions based on that paragraph). This section is easy but dont spend too much time on any question (time will be a factor) for some of the questions u can easily work out the solution backwards (I mean you can form an equation and then substitute the choices given in your answers instead of trying to solve equations)
Next you will have to take 2 papers on programming languages : you can choose between C/C++, Java and VB. Just glance thro the 3 papers and choose 2 which you are comfortable with. I think C/C++ and Java will be easy. Time is not a problem for these papers.
Next you will have to take one of the database related papers (I think there is oracle and something
else) oracle seemed easy (though I have never worked in oracle)-questions are basic and even if you dont know oracle you could just try to find some tutorial on the net.
Then you have choice of paper between Windows Server 2000 and Unix (Im not sure of these choices since I took the test in May). Again the questions will be easy (basics).
Well, thats all there is in all I think u have to take 5 papers (apt., 2 languages, 1 database and 1 OS)
So, those of you taking your test best of luck-just stay calm-if you have studied oracle,unix it will be
very easy (for others like me just relax and give it your best shot-you have nothing to lose).
********************* ANOTHER Comment
Don,t worry abt the so called english test held by covansys....i was called a few weeks back (for the 2nd round) and they had mentioned the same stuff to us also.....but the english test was: write an essay on "should every indian know at least two indian languages".they gave us 30 minutes or so for the essay.....then GD was just a formality.....don,t worry about it....just talk something sensible.....
everyone called will attend the interview....and in the interview they,ll ask you about the papers that you chose for the written test (if u remember for the covansys test we had a choice of papers like C++/vb/java and oracle etc...)....tehy,ll usually ask you what paper you chose and then they,ll ask some basic questions from that subject....
don,t worry too much.....just brush up a little with whatever subject you wrote the test (if you took C, brush up with that)....
don,t worry too much abt vocabulary....just keep your language simple and express your ideas properly.....i think the same process will be followed this time as well (i doubt whehter they will give you any english test paper)....