Covansys Placement Paper MEPZ Chennai 01 December 2010
Hi friends i gave a written test to Covansys.. this company is too goodI will give the test pattern hope it will help you allI cleared And waiting for results.............. Aptitude:it consists of three sections1.Critical reasoning..... questions like p,q,r,s,t,u,v are staffs B,C,D should select staffs some conditions wre given...little bit tough but refer Barrons it ll be easy 2.Aptitude General...refer agarwal verbal and non verbal plus GRE mathematics,tactics Questions like 1,2,3,4....99 wat is the 100th digit ans:5(not sure check out using cross check method) 3.technical...very very easy basic computer questions 2 nd round was tech and HR combined. Int: tell me about yourself starting from...