Hi friends,
Last week I wrote for YASH
This pattern is somewhat different to prevoius YASH papers wahich have submitted
When u sit for the exam they wil give answer sheet. On that u have to fill some personal details,Reference id if u have and sign.
The Whole test paper consist of 35 questions for 45 mins.
negative marking is there 0.5
First and second sessions are General English and Communication ability
They wil give some small (approx 3 lines) paragraph and give 4 conclusions and u have select 1 conclusion based on the paragraph-this type 3 questions
1 antonym
1 synonim
They give 2 line sentense in that underline part of sentense and below he gives 4 options u have to choose the corect one -3 questions
4 questions r some what diff
for each qustion they wil give 4 words u have to choose the correct one
for eg: Proceed-Procede-Procade-____
(i think this is based on pronunciation -- but i am not sure)
Last session is apti --- if u practise not much difficult
1 question based on age(easy one)
1 question based on time and distance
There 2 persons x and y. X writes 200 pages pre hour and Y writes 100 pages per hour. They are ready to write the book of 540 pages. At what page those peple can meet........?
Dollar value Year
35 1984-1985
39 1985-1986
42 1995-1996
45 1996-1997
49 1997-1998 (values are approx)
Based on the above they asked 3-4 questions
-->What is the dollar val in 1985?
-->In which it has highest val?
1 series prob(easy)