I have completed degree from Vellore Institute Of Technology,Vellore(now VIT University,Vellore). VIT is worst university regarding placement,study and faculty(only infrastructure is fair).I do not know ,how IndiaToday give it top 10 rank in the country.but leave it........
I have attented selection process of united health group
It has 3 round
1..Written test
2 hr
3 technical round
Written test conducted by Meritrac.It was really tough.In written exam u have to solve 80 question in 90 min.It has 3 parts
[1] advance analytical reasoning_____30 question 30 min.
1....10:-two queston (each contain 5 question) from data Interpretation
11.....20:- two Puzzles (each contain 5 question).It was very tough.
20....25:-data sufficiency
25....30:-simple logical reasoning
[2]Quantitative Aptitude__________30 question 30 min
Most of question belong to (profit and loss(around 8 question),percentage,ratio and propotion,average, work and time ,distance,age,simple intrest).It was so easy.
[3] C aptitude_____20 question 30 min
All question relate to loop(very big and complex loop) and flow chart(was very huge).