Hai friends,
I am Praba, i have attended the test. i ll give the details which i know
1st - written test
2nd - GD
3rd - HR interview
In written test -
90 mins. no negative marks
30 qs in apti
50 qs in verbal
the test paper ll be very long.. u cannot complete the paper in 90 mins
the 30 apti qs ll be vry long qs.. some qs on train,percent, etc.. logical qs
series ll be there u try to complete 15 correct.
then in verbal.
u ll find long comperhensions meanings.. senstence correction etc u ll not find time to completed this also
u do not read the comperhensions they r very long u try to answer meaning and other small q qs with 2 or 3 line..
the meanings for words ll be from GRE books words from letters v, x, m, r, etc.. u better see to all words..
this cut off ll be enough for the clearing this round
in GD
if u clear written then u r 90% placed.
in GD.. u should not shout be normal.. try to express ur idea in a calm way
they just see ur place in a team.. how u adjust in a team they ll not select if u
fight in the GD.
Be Cool and u ll clear it..
8 in batch out of that 3 to 4 ll be selected
In interview
this ll be very cool the HRS r very cool persons they just see ur confidence..
tats it. there ll be not technical qs one r 2 many be there.. but ur
confidence is the main point there
they need ppl with confidence.
the interview qs ll be
about urself
all HR qs
some times very basic technical
qs from resume
the main thing is.. u have to clear the written other rounds r very cool.
if u do not know any answer just have a guess try to answer 15 Q in apti and 25 q
in verbal
do not leave any qs.. just make a guess luck also plays its role
Whole Testpaper