Hello friends,I,m Manas Srivastav,from Dehradun Institute Of Technology,Dehradun,doing from Electronics & Communication Engineering branch & in third year.I got placed in Torry Harris Business Solutions on 30th January,2007.A total of about 600 students ( as well as MCA) attended the selection process and finally 10 students got selected.I was lucky enough to be one of them.
The selection process comprises of 4 Rounds. The criterion is 65% aggregate.
ROUND 1:Mathematical Aptitude Test.
Consists of 20 really tough maths questions, time alloted is 20 mins.There is no negative marking. It is really difficult to solve those 20 questions in the given time.Try to solve as quickly as possible.
Mostly questions were given from R.S.Agarwal book e.g. time and work, trains & speed, age problems,displacement problems,area & volume,mensuration,quadratic equations,cordinate geometry etc
225 students cleared the first round.
ROUND 2:Technical Aptitude Test.
This test also consists of 20 questions and the time alloted is 20 mins. Again there are no negative marking and the paper is branch specific. As i,m in ECE branch so i can give insight on my branch only. Questions were mostly from Semiconductor devices & materials, VLSI Fabrication & design, Microprocessors, Signals & Systems. Automatic control systems, Electromagnetic field theory, Antennas, Principles of communication, Signal Processing etc. The questions were not that tough so no special preparation is required. About 100 odd students cleared the second round.
ROUND 3:Group Discussion.
The Topics were really easy. They gave us the oppurtunity to select our own topic. My topic was "Can Business & Ethics go hand in hand". 55 students were selected for the final interview round.
ROUND 4:Interview Round.
This is the HR interview round. All the selected students were taken to the seminar hall and asked to come in a group of two. The interview was mostly HR in nature but some students were asked technical questions too. some questions asked were....
1)Describe yourself.
2)Hobbies & interests.
3)strengths & weakness.
4)how do you perceive yourself 4-5 years from now?
5)Reasons for joining the software field.(This question is important for non CSE students)
6)Extra curricular activities.
7)favourite subject in school(I chose physics and they immediately asked me what is Hisenberg,s uncertainity principle.... but do not get afraid.Just pause for a moment & then answer.)
8)Situation Based Questions(They gave me a situation that "if you are given 10 million bucks,which industry would you set up & why........").