1.Quantitative Aptitude (20 questions 20 minutes)
2.Group Discussion (Short duration, each gets a minute or two at most to speak)
3.Technical Apti + Logical Apti (20+12 Questions 40 minutes)
1.Quantitative Aptitude
Questions are real easy, read them once and solve, if you can,t don,t waste a single second jump to next question. Questions were from Area, Volume, Coding Decoding, Time & work, Time & distance, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Probability, Series. I attempted 12 question correct and 4 guess work, and left 4. There was no -ve marking. Time management is the most important.
2.Group Discussion
49 students cleared Quantitative Aptitude out of 300. 5 groups of 10 students we called for GD.
Topics were like Can India Pakistan be friends, Should Mobile phones be banned inside college campus. All the topics were real easy. They simply just check ur communication skill and nothing else. 22 candidates out of 49 cleared the GD.
3.Technical Apti + Logical Apti
20 Technical questions majority from simple C programs, you will have to predict the output. Some were on OS from segmentation, paging, page replacement policies, and some from uProcessor. This paper was almost easy I attempted 13 out of 20. No -ve marking.
12 Logical Apti, this was real time consuming and tough. There was only one passage comprehension which was easy. But question like.. There are 6 house ABCDEF, each having a chimney and a roof. The colour of roof can be either of Red, Green, Blue and the colour of chimney can be Gray, Red, White. Then there some conditions will be mentioned, you will have to allocate colour to each house, then answer about 4 to 6 questions that follow.
This round was very friendly. This was my experience:
Q.Whats your name?
A.Abhishek Mitra
Q.Oh! You are from CSE?
A.Yes Sir
Q.Ok Tell me something about your family
A.Explained in short.
Q.So you are the only son of your parents?
A.Yes sir.. and only child too.
Q.Ok, So Tell me something about your interests?
A.Explained in detail.
Q.So, what about the process (He wanted to mean Recruitment process)?
A.Explained, that i was very much satisfied.
Q.Do you have any problem relocating to Bangalore?
A.Certainly not, Sir.
Q.Ok.. Good Luck
A.I smiled and shaked hands with him.
17 cleared the final round and got selected. By God,s grace I got selected...
See you at THBS...