This is Joydeep,studying 4th year B.Tech in Heritage Institute of Technology,Kolkata.I am happy to say that I got selected in my first hr. because I have attended Wipro & TCS before it.I havent faced hr. in them.
Patternu know as usual...
1.Aptitude Test.
2.Technical Interview.
Aptitude Test
There were 75 questions to be answered in 60minutes.There were 5 parts in it.
a.Logical Reasoning verbal(20 questions)[Go through R.S. Aggarwal Logical Reasoning]
b.Logical Reasoning Non-verbal(20 questions)[containing data sufficiency type questions,series completion etc]
c.English Vocabulary(15 questions)[synonyms,antonyms,phrase replacement etc]
d.English Verbs,Preposition,Punctuation etc (10 questions)
e.English Paragraph(10 questions)
No sectional cutoff is there.
No negative marking is there.
English part was very easy,so friends try to do it first.
Technical Interview:
The ti offered me Pizza which he was eating that time.I took his offer & finished my pizza,Then he asked,
ti: hello joydeep,tell me your last semester subjects.
me: Told immediately.
ti: Do you know c language?
me: yes sir.
ti: wrote:
struct time
int a;
int b;
struct time p;
Will this give any error?
me: no sir,it will print Executed.
ti: What is the diff between structure & union?
me: told immediately.
ti: wrote:
struct time
int a;
int b;
struct time p;
in these two statements where how much space is allocated?
me: told.
ti: What is a linked list?
me: a list that is linked.... ...
ti: Write the c function of inserting an element at any postion of a linked list.
me: Wrote immediately.
ti: Do u know any assembly level language:
me: yes,sir,microprocessor 8085.
ti: what is a microprocessor? How does it work?
me: drew the functional block diagram & drescribed.... .... ...
ti: Describe the stack operation:
me: told.
ti: Drew a ckt by himself & aked me to show the output waveform in various points:
me: I was marginally correct in my answer,he made me understood the rest.
It was a long process which went along for 50 minutes,I enjoyed the session pretty much.Then I was called for H.R. Interview.
It was a short process.Sir asked only three questions.
1.Tell me something which is not in your c.v.
me : good learner, tries to talk to my critics etc...
2.One +ve point about you(in single word)
me: Productive.
3.One ve point about you(in single word)
me: Critical.
Sir said Thank You joydeep,Wait outside,
me: Thank you sir.