1)Written Test
2)Technical Round
3)HR Round
1) Written Test
Around 1000 ppl attended for written test, total 54 were furthered to technical round.
It comprises of total 6 sections
a)Logical Reasoning
b)Verbal Reasoning
Total 100 questions 60 min
All u need to do is dat u need to be fast in ur calculations.
here time plays a crucial role.
Every question is very easy,u hv to maitain ur time correctly...
My suggestion is to start from reasoning,quant followed by english
generally reasoning and quant takes much more time compared to english.so give least time
to English and u know English section is very very easy jst basic grammer..
In reasoning section u may encounter questions on blood relations,analogies in alphabets(dfh:ikm::adg:?),numerical series etc..refer R.S agarwal verbal and non verbal reasoning.
In Quant section u,l see questions on mostly allegation and mixture,clocks,SI and CI,time and work,time and distance,problems on train,partnership problems.refer R.S agarwal quantitative aptitude it is more enough
questions are very easy.
English is very easy u can give less time to this section.
In english-1 u,l see synonyms,antonyms
english-2 general grammer refer Wren & martin.
english-3 Two simple reading comprehention of 10th and intermediate standard.
Technical Interview
My panel has two members they are really very kewl.They are very friendly with me.Interview goes on 45 min.
They even asked me to take 5 min to freeup myself and comeback again.
Then tech questions started
INTRVR1: what is view?
INTRVR1: what are access specifiers?gv me an example.
INTRVR1: write a program and xplain each and every step.
INTRVR1:Have u done ur project of ur own or fake one???
Me:answered confidently becoz our HOD guided us in doing our project we hv done it in college itself.
INTRVR1: Shall I ask ur team members abt ur project ? and give their names and contact numbers.
Me: I hv given their details confidently.
and so many basic questions hv been posed on me,it lasts for 25 min and in same round second interviewr started interviewing me on hr questions.many questions we cant say yes or no..becareful....jst think a while before answering.
Luck also plays a vital role
This is very easy , if u r confident with ur techincal interview this is jst for formality
INTERWR: Tell me abt urself?
me: blaa blaa blaa.......
INTERWR: Why we should hire u?
me:told my strengths......
INTERWR: Do u have any problem working in different locations?
me:NO.(This is main ..theyl check our adaptability(flexibility)).
INTERWR: Ask any questions.
me: sir,could u plz tell me abt working nature in Mahindra Satyam.
INTERWR: first u will be taken as trainee and u can reach highlevel positions depending on ur capabilities,then I got a positive signal dat I may be selectedchill..
Finally results were announced.Iam one among 38 members..