I wrote written test of tech mahindra / mahindra satyam thru JKC on 30.07.11. The paper is very easy but the main parameter to be concentrated is time....The paper was set in a way such that everyone can do it if there is no time limit.......
3 rounds:
1. written
2. tech
3. hr
Two sections: 1. English test(100 qstns , 40 mins)
2. Aptitude and reasoning test (70 qstns , 40 mins)
English test:
consists of 8 subsections thru 8 links ( time starts wen u think to select a particular section...dont waste time in it...just go for prepositions first as there are 20 qstns in it......)
1. Prepositions( 20 qstns)
2. Articles(10)
4.Subject and verb agreement(10)
5.Fill in the blanks(10)
6.Confusable words(10)(simple...a blank will b given wer the options will be "their" r "there" etc.,)
7. Synonyms(10 r 20)
8.Tenses(10 r 20)
As far as I am concerned , time is left that i could check my answers once again....this is only in the case of verbal.....The toughest part is managing time in the apti and rsng test.....
Aptitude and reasoning test (70 qstns , 40 mins):
Consists of 3 sub-sections:
1. numerical abilities (aptitude)(15 qstns)
2. non- verbal reasoning(35)
3. verbal reasoning(20)
3 links will b given for above 3 sections....Never try to attempt reasoning first although it will b very easy...first attempt aptitude and then go for reasoning....otherwise u will not get time to do aptitude....
I dont remember the qstns ,but i know "few" topics from which the qstns were given...just go thru rs aggarwal apti and rsng buks on these particular topics...its more than enough.....the topics include:
partnership(5 qstns--- more weightage of all)
profit and loss
time and distance
ratio and proportion
paragraph based reasoning qstns (puzzle test)
direction sense test
coding decoding
figure series
alphabet test
blood relations
logical sequence of words
series completion(both numberscrapped and alphabets)
odd one out
Just go thru the examples given in rs agarwal for these topics...Believe it or not!!!!!!The qstns were dead easy...One who is very fast in doing these problems will do it for sure.....
Around 2700 members wrote along with me ...out of which 84 cleared the written test just bcos of TIME factor..
Heard that 125/170 is the cut-off....
Posted just this bcos i dont want any of u to lose the opportunity as me(I am not among the 84!!!!)...
Hope it helps you......