Hi,guys I am Sandhyadip from MCKV Institute of Engineering .MBT came to our college on 14th March for on campussing.There were three selection procedure.
1) Written
2) Technical Interview
3)HR Interview
The aptitude was Online.There were 5 sections in aptitude test
1)Verbal & quantitive
2) Verbal,Nonverbal
3) Appropriate preposition & words
4)Fill in the blanks(English)
To clear the Apti of MBT is very difficult. Go through R.S Agarwala thoroughly.Every chapt in Verbal & Logical Reasoning should be covered.
Quanti portion was very easy.Just consult Agarwalas Quanti Aptitude.Untill & unless you practice Verbal section from Agarwal it would be very difficult to solve those in exam hall.There were also puzzles from Sakuntala Devi.There was no sectional cut off and negetive marking.But cut off is very high.
English portion was easy.You have to be perfect in grammar.The comprehension potion was very easy.No uncommon words in the portion
25 out of 98 is selected .I was one of those lucky people.
In technical round I was asked form RDBMS,Normalisation,Oracle,OS,Creation of dobly link list and pointer.I was asked how many bytes a pointer variable takes?The personel asked me to draw a table and break it upto 3NF.I answered all the questions quite confidently and I was selected for HR.
Hr personel advised me to develp my communication skill by gettiong admission in BBC.I said that I am practising English,communication with my friends.He said that I could not impress him. I was in a pensive mood after HR.
The result was disclosed around 8:30.Luckily I was selected along with 18 guys. So be sound in apti to crack in MBT. So guys believe in GOD& in ur potential I m sure u can make diff.