Hi every1, i,m pragathi a computer science engineering student from DSCE BANGALORE,recently got placed in SUBEX company..It was a pool campus for 4 colleges.UVCE,DSCE,JSS,SIT
The company PPT was held on 2nd september2008.the pay is 4 lk p a and monthly stipend of 3000 during 8th semester...25000 performance appraisal after 12 months and 24 months...bond for 2 years
the same day we had written round....the written round has 2 sections
->first 1/2 an hour for multiple choice technical questions mostly based on FILE structures, pointers, arrays, enum, memory allocation ->next 1/2 an hour for writting a program...you,ll have 2 options in which 1 of them have to be written
First technical round by the project leader on 10th sep2008
Second technical round by seniour project manager on 10th sep 2008
HR round on 10th sep 2008
Telephonic technical round by the seniour VP on 14th september 2008
results announced on 15th :) and received offer letter on 19th sep 2008
For written round the simple programs asked were
1)Input the text from a file and count the number of words which start with a vowel...you have to use command line arguments.the input file name is given at the command prompt..
2)to input an unsigned integer and reverse the first and last nibble of the number.....there were other questions like input the text from a file and count the number of declarations made as "int","float","char"... i,ll just show u an e.g., use lot of comments to support your program and can be understood easily void main(int argc,char* argv[])
FILE *fp;
char str[],str1[];
int i,count=0;
//u can either read the entire line using fgets or word by word using fscanf...if u use fgets...store each word in the str until u find a space
{ i=0;
while(str1[i]!=, ,)
//check if the 1st letter is an vowel
case ,A,:
case ,E,:
case ,I,:
case ,O,:
case ,U,:
case ,a,:
case ,e,:
case ,i,:
case ,o,:
case ,u,:count=count+1;
printf ("%d",count);
there was negative marking for objective type.if u clear that test only then your program would be evaluated..189 student took up the written round...59 had cleared objective...only 15 of them were shortlisted for the interview...we were asked to go to the company for the interview
in the fisrt tech round...to make u comfortable they asked tell me about yourself?
then questions on data structure...realloc()what pointer is returned when the requested size is not available at the requested pointer?
then few simple sql queries... some of them were asked about virtual functions...why do you use them?some real time example...their favourite topics were c,ds,c++,os,dbms
writing program on linked list,doubly linked list only 7 cleared the 1st technical round...
In the second technical round...
all subjects were asked like CPU scheduling,page replacement algorithm in OS,SQL query,all the normalisation methods,sorting algorithms,different software engineering models(water fall model)which is better...C,C++ concepts...i was asked to write a simple program to take a string as input of form "my name is pragathi" and the output should be "ym eman si ihtagarp"...revesing of each word...tell me about yourself was asked again
only 5 of them cleared 2nd technical round
then there was HR round...
this was to check how well you think...few puzzles were asked...given 12 sticks,how do u make squares such that they are all linked to 1 another...
...a person is falling from 10th floor to commit suiside but he,ll be saved by some1...police watchin this will not arrest the person who tried to commit suiside...why dint they arrest him...
in HR they,ll see your approach not the exact answer...some general questions... some points from PPT about subex and so on.
only 2 of us cleared HR...
finally telephonic interview was taken by the seniour VP...it was a casual talk...tell me about yourself...what r your activities in college...which r the subjects u have this semester...what r the subjects about,,,
the CPU scheduling algorithms...which algorithm does windows OS use(round robin scheduling was my answer),normalisation methods...
both of us got placed in SUBEX...
I thank all those who have shared there experience in freshers world.com...they helped a lot to know how the interview will be...I thank my family,teachers and my dearest BUDDIES who helped me thru out...ALL THE BEST:)