Hello Friends, Neha Here
This was the paper of ST microelectronics held at Thapar University on 29 august, 2007
There were 3 types of paper..
IT( For MCA students)
Embedded Software( For BE(CS) and ME/Mtech(CS))
Hardware( For BE(ECE branches) and ME/MTech(ECE))
All of this paper had different no of questions...
I had given paper of embedded software so I am giving its details .Paper had two part:
1. 1 marks questions (10 questions of aptitude and 10 questions on OS, Microprocessor and DS)
2.2 marks questions on C(15 questions)
Part 1: 1 marks questions were like...(Aptitude was quite easy)
There is pipe with given radius, a small pipe of given radius. How many pipes of smaller radius will contain the same quantity of liquid kept by larger radius tube?
A ladder is standing against a wall of 25m height at a distance of 7 km from wall. Suddenly Ladder slips 4m down from top. How much will it move from the earlier 7m distance from the wall?
A person likes 225 not 224, like 900 not 800, from given vat will he like1600,1500.. (Answer is simply ny given square term(1600)..c paettern of his liking
Three co-ordinates of triangle was given.. we had too find type of triangle it is..
A square is cut from a circle and a circle is cut from that square..how much area is remaining .
In equilateral triangle a circle is drawn. In that circle one square is drawn. Find the ratio of area of equilateral triangle to square?
Question on simple average speed..
Question on angle between hands of a clock
Next 10 questions were technical
1. Int *p;
P=(int *p)malloc(100);
Wat is sizeof(p),sizeof(*p)
2. A question on find the worst case complexity of Quick Sort( ans :O(n2) )
3. Piggy Backing is For ?(Acknowledgement)
4. In POP operation of Microprocessor how it process the instruction
Ans: it pops the instruction and decrements the stack pointer
Where does Global,Local and static variables of a program lie?
3 questions on H/w ..that I could not solve.
1 question on Boolean expression(a simple one)
2 marks questions
1 #define xyz abc*cd
#define abc 10
#define cd 10
Int k;
Ans: -80
2. Static variables dont change their value as they are stored in
a) stack b) data segment c) heap d) none
3. #pragma pack(1)
Struct a
Int a:4;
Int b:45;
Char c;
What is the size of struct if int is of four bytes .
Ans is 5
4. a question on bitwise operator
5.int i=90;
Char *p;
P=(char *)&i ;
Pointer is I ncremented by 2,1,4 or none of these
6.#define scanf %s is string
Ans; %s is string is string
7 char str={neha);
printf(hello \n %s \n,str);
output : ?
8 One question on page table. we had to find page size
9 . One question on memory acces time of a program with given hit ratio and given cache access time..( revise the formula from OS)
10. Find the number of 1s in the following expression
(3*4096 + 16*1024+ 3)
11. 1 question on recursion
int i=89;
Int *p;
Char *t;
T=(char *)&I;
If( *p==*t)
Tell the o/p.
12. Again 2 question to find output of a c program