Package 4.25 lpa / Growth prospects - excellant / Foreign oppurtunities - good .
Test pattern :
ROUND -1 : APTI -ENG- DI- Figure based questions ( SWIFT TEST ) . TOTAL 24 ques in 18 minutes.
18 minutes aptitude test consisting of 3 sections ( English , aptitude , graphs- DI , figures based reasoning ) . Each of three sections is further divided into two sub sections of 3 minute each . Each sub-section contains 4 questions per 3minutes. if u r unable to answer the page will automatically pass after 3 minutes .
Question were easy . But time was a major constraint. It is the crucial round .
No negative marking . calculator was allowed ( but not needed).
out of 400 students , 60 got selected after 1st round.
ROUND 2 : Technical ( EE / ETC / EEE/ MECH )
Each branch got separate paper with 25 questions in 30 minutes . ques were numerical type ( for EE : control sys, machines, power sys, ckt ) .
Around 45 students were selected after 2nd round.
Round 3: Interview
For EE - Hopkinsons test , Protection , effect on Surge impedance for various conditions, peterson coil ,transformer oil ,
Finally 6 students ( 3 EE , 3 ETC) were selected.
Hope the above description will help u . ALL THE BEST !