I am Krishna Kishore Appala a student of PGDSD in IIIT Bangalore 2011 batch.
Recently Sapient Corporation came to our college for placement and here I am posting the selection procedure of it.
It was a two day placement event having three rounds :
Day 1:
Written Test :
Aspiring minds conducted the written test in our college. It consists of 4 sections Quantitative Aptitude (R.S Agarwal will be sufficient), Technical Aptitude(Basics and o/p in C, C++, Java), English(Paragraphs, Antonyms, synonyms, GRE Barrons will be helpfull), Logical Ability(Reasoning by R.S Agarwal is more than enough).The duration is 2 hours. Since its an online exam , even if u dont complete the section it will jump to the next section. So keep an eye on time running on top right corner.
The results are announced after 2 hours.
Day 2:
Technical Interview :
It is a 1 hour 15 minutes round for me.
In this round HR will ask questions on there wish, and those questions are need not to be from Computer Science. For me he asked in Chemistry (about Ozone layer, Number of molecules binded in it : O3 , What if Carbon dioxide CO2 is mixed with Carbon monoxide CO).
Later he jumped to basics of C,C++,Java like Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Early binding, Late Binding, Reflection concept In java. Then he asked about Oracle. He gave nearly 10 queries for me to write and execute in his laptop, Out of which i have done 7. Those queries consists Second max salary (which is a common question), concepts of joins, cursors and triggers.
This round is mainly stress interview and next question depends on the previous answer.
HR : What is chemical composition of Ozone ?
ME : O3
HR : What is 3 in that ?
ME : Number of molecules BINDED together.
HR : So, Where do u come across the word "BINDING" in programming languages ?
ME : In Java the concepts of Early Binding and Late Binding .
This is to tell u that the HR can jump from one subject to other (from Chemistry to Java)
Results are out immediately after u complete the technical round, and will be sent for HR round in another panel.
HR round:
Even this is also elimination round and should be very careful. And at the same time they are very friendly. They asked the questions like:
1) Explain about a situation in your life where you played a role of Team Lead. And how much u are successful as a team lead.
2) Explain your working style if you are in a team.
3) What are your future plans? Where will u be after 5 years?
4) Are you willing to do Higher studies ?
5) Describe the most happiest day in your life.
6) What do u know about Sapient?
Total 16 students cleared all the rounds and because of god grace I am one of them.
That was the day for which i had waited and finally it had came.
All the best guys.
Contact me at akkforu@gmail.com