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Look all guys. Syntel online test is very simple but very tricky. 45 questions 45 minutes. Just go to your college lab and give the test infornt of your sir. Be careful. There is no negative marking and 1 page is consists of 3 questions. But after saving the page you cann,t change your answer and if you want to see the 45th question sure you have to pass all the 15 pages. There is no way to get back.
Most of are puzzle, reasoning, series, coding, decoding, rearrenging the sentences, nearest meaning, opposite, analogy, a very simple blood relation and a very very very hard also. Sentence correction.
1 quesiton on direction. That means you have to covr all the verbal reasoning part. In my paper there is no aptitude quesitons.
Time and speed is the key.
Today is 15th January,2011 (Saturday).Today, I gave the aptitude examination of Syntel.Our reporting time is on 8am.A online aptitude examination conducted at our college.A 45 minutes of exam which contain 45 question and each question contain 1 mark.I remembered few questions.One thing, you have to remember that there is no negative marking and if you skip any of the question to do in later period,you cant do that.So, be careful about that.Once you skip the previous page,it cant be done later.
1. DESIM is coded as CAMEL,then TIGER is coded as "______"?
2.COLOUR is coded as OCOLURL,then SPECTRUM is coded as "______"?
3.Three dog Roxy,Tiger,Jack.They want to be a friend of 2 cat named Sally and Billy.Among the 3 dog,one dog failed to make a fiend.Sally and Billy succed to make a friend.Then, Tiger succeed to make friend with?
4.A,s father has a mother K and K,s husband is T and T,s brother is M and M,s grandson is S.Then what is the relation of A and S?
7.(A direction question,but cant remember the exact question) Africa is north of Atlanta,greenland is in the south of Africa,Aulica is in the east of Atlanta and in the west of New Zeeland and Texus is in the South of New Zeeland.So,Africa is in which side of Texus?
8.In a job seekers line,every 3rd man is liar and every 4th man is a B.Tech holder.Then how many B.Tech holder are liar?
9.MARRIAGE is coded is AMRRAIEG,...then you have to find some thing code that I cant remember.
10.Some questions are from Logical Reasonig.
11.Some questions on probability.
12.Arrange the sentences A,B,C,D in a logical sequence to form a coherent paragraph.
A. It is because Japanese companies do not have to pay the consultancies inflated fees the argument goes ,that companies have more money to devote to real investment and because they are not tempted to follow the latest management fashions that they can develop a coherent ,long term strategy.
B. The average salary man,relaxing after a ten hour day over yakitori and sake, hardly Spends his time talking about Drucker san and Peter-san .
C. It might seem far fetched to argue that Japans post war growth has anything to do With management theory.
D.Critics of management theory happily point out that thirty years after arriving ,
Western consultancies are still to make ends meet ,and that Japan has few business
Schools ,none of them very prestigious.
Options: 1. CADB 2. CBDA 3. DBAC 4. DBCA
(2-3 this type of question)
14.Odd man series out question.
I cant remember the other question.
I prefer to practice more on LOGICAL REASONING and ENGLISH part for Syntel.
1 . a is 5 miles east of b . c is 10 miles southeast
of b . find dis between a and c .
ans is root 34 .(
ans is correct , qs may be wrong )
2 dis . between a, b is 60 miles , c is 50 miles
from both . find shortest dis between c and the
highway connecting a b .
3 area of 2 squares r in the ratio 2:1
find the ratio of there perimeter .
4 2x+y= 2y+x
find x-y .
5 *(*9) , * means twice the no. minus 10 ,
ans 6
6 a tank can be filled in 6 min by a pipe supplying
5 cu ft .
length is 4 ft , breadtn is half of length . find
height .
7 x/3=y/z then 9y^2=??
8 2 no. on multiplecation gives 10 , when added
gives 7 . what is the largest of the two no.
ans 5
9 36 chairs must be arranged in atleast 3 rows , min
3 chairs in each row , all rows are parellel . find
the no, of rows .
10 there are 30 socks 60% are red . rest blue . min
no of socks to be taken out to have stleast two blue .
11. a holds 40% shares . b holds 15000 shares , c
holds 25% more than a . how many shares do b have .
12 75 % of distance is covered at average speed of v
miles /hrs in t time . remaining at an average at an
average speed of s .
ans : vt/3s
13 x=y=2z , x*y*z=256 , find x .
CPI(price index),
being a realist......
drug rehabilaiition...
if one ate in the restraunt
all r given in gmat guide
tech paper
1 velocity of em wave . given L and C
v= 1/root LC
2 f(xy)=x^2+y^2+xy+y+x
i no extremum
ii one max no min
iii no max no min
iv one max one min
3 reflection co-efficient zl+z0/zl-z0= v0 max/ v min
ans 150
effect of bounded conductor
ans c inc . L dec
4 qs. on torque
torque = NBIA