I attended SAIL interview from electrical discipline on 2nd december in mumbai.
First of all there was document verification(markssheet,date of birthetc.),then about one hour batch of 10 people(i was in them) was sent for interview, another batch of 10 were sent for group discussion.
Interview- The board consisting of 4 members was sitting quite far from me,they did not asked for CV neither they asked to see markssheets.
They asked what subject I like , I said motors,then they asked about ward leonard test, hopkinson test, draw characteristis of induction motor,
Then they asked what else I like, I said reading economic news, i was expecting they will ask general things which appear in newspapers,
But they asked technical things like defict financing, types of balance sheets etc, i could not answer any.
Then I was asked to leave. Other candidates(in my batch) were asked about power electronics and digital electronics. The interview is a no-nonsence affair, do not reply wrong answer if you dont know.They are going to test you.
After that there was group discussion of three stages.
First stage- Topic- india should not bother about brain drain and should benifit from it by imposing levy on income of immigrants.We were given 5 minuts to think about it.then The group(of 10) was asked to reach a concious by discussing on it, time was 10 minutes
Stage 2- Topic- World health organisations,s wholesome health octave- 7 points, we were asked to prioritise points what we felt in correct order, then the group was asked to discuss and make a common priority list,15minutes time.
Stage 3- Imagine you are secretory of a club(of industralists only), beacuse of public pressure, you are to admit one common man in club, profile of 6 peoples were given, you have to choose one, then there was a group discussion, and group was asked to reach a common consious.
Free tip- it may happen that some one else grabbed the oppourtunity to speak first, or someone else is giving good points but you cant, still you can be in the race by controlling the group, it is common that people while explaining their views forget that there is a time limit, you can cut short their explanations and ask them to come directly to point(so our group could reach a common conscious in two stages.)