SAIL-2010 gk question
1) olympic 2010 held in------london
2) Currency of Bhutan-------NUGULTRAM
3) Measles is a type of--------VIRUS
4) Heart beat of Adult---------72
5) Heavy, strongest and long bone of body------FEMUR
6) JIm Corbet national park-------------Uttarnchal
7) Rupess symbol designed by-------D. UDAY KUMAR
8) Durand line is Between--------pak & afganistan
9) Winner of 20-20 world cup-----------england
10) winner of Rajiv gandhi khel rattan award-2010---------saina Nehwal
11) which river falls in arbian SEA--------------tapi
12) BIHU is a folk dance of-----------assam
13) budh name------------sidhart
14) brahm smaaj----------raja ram mohan roi
15) company related to insurance---------------IRDA
16) gadar movement telated with------------------hardyal singh
17) new member of SAARA------------------afganistan
18) olive branch signify----------------------PEACE
19) language under 8th schedual----------------22
20) alpha keratin protien present in-------------------FIBER
21) Which state receieve winter rainfall by western disturbance------Tamilnadu
22) equality of oppertunity of all citizen in matter of public employement come under------ART 16
23) Kailasa temple-----------ajanta
24) EX-office planning commision------------Prime minister
25) Most dense populated state.................UP