College: Government College of Engineering AMRAVATI, Maharashtra
Hi, I waited 3 years in my college just to get into and finally I got it. It,s the best thing you can get from your college.The Campus Selection of Persistent Systems Limited, Nagpur was scheduled on 16th June and initially criteria was
1. 60% aggregate upto V Semester B.E.
2. All exams after 10th should have been cleared in just ONE attempt.
But, on 14th June criteria was changed to
1. 58% aggregate upto V Semester B.E.
2. No Current Backlogs.
So the number of candidates eligible for PSL just doubled.But, I wasn,t troubled with this.Then, the D-Day came, 16th June.250 candidates were eligible for that.We were waiting for them since 9:00 AM but they arrived late at 11:00 AM.They took directly exam of all of us.
There are two categories for PSL.
1. CS/IT People
2. Non CS/IT People.
They have different procedures of selection and different papers for two categories of people.As, I am from IT I,ll tell you about my experience plus I,ll also tell you about NON CS/IT guys.
1. Paper was of 40 marks, 40 questions, 1 hour duration.
2. Sections were like this APTITUDE - 15, C PROGRAMMING - 10, DATA STRUCTURES - 10, OPERATING SYSTEM - 5.
3. No sectional cut-off.
1. 50 questions, 50 marks, 1 hour duration.
3. No sectional cut-off.
The paper was good, c questions were tricky. Aptitude was simple but some were confusing. They gave PRE-PLACEMENT TALK after exam, just two of them handled us. Rest of the team was busy in checking papers. The PPT was boring according to most of the students as it was
technical. But when they showed their clients, logo everybody was amazed. The PPT lasted for 40 minutes. And after 10 minutes the short listed
candidates list was out.
43 students were short listed in Non CS/IT type.
50 students were short listed in CS/IT type.
Then, were told to move to class room for second test in just 5 minutes. Then, there was a technical programming paper ready for us.
It consisted of two programs.
1. There is an array A[n] such that A[i] MUTEX, Deadlock, LINUX Commands like grep.
4. DBMS --> BCNF, Why normalization is used.
My interview lasted for 1 hour. I couldn,t answer most of the questions so I felt rejected and was quite angry with me. I removed my tie in anger and I shouted at my friends. Other students were called for second technical interview but I wasn,t. After 1 hour, I was called for my HR.
This was strange coz, other people had to face two technical interviews but I had faced only 1. But, surprised and amazed i went inside.
HR was a cool person. The questions he asked were.
1. How was your Tech Interview,
2. Describe yourself and then a discussion.
3. Few questions from my resume.
4. Do u have any location preference
5. Testing or Developing.
Then my HR was over and I was told to go but I stayed there just to help my friends. Results of all these were declared on 22nd June.
And I was on the list. Now, I am Persistentian. Ohh. they told us package is 3.0 lpa + lunch and snacks during working hours in company.