Hello guys
I appeared for persistent campus.
Appered 132
Shortlisted 20
After 2 TI.
Selected : Only One!!! (Hmhhh!!!! That,s not me) The first test was of 30marks & had 60 minutes & no -ve marking. But, remember that they tell you: "No -ve marking ,so that you can attempt all!" But it,s their trick they want to eliminate candidates who Guess options (what we call as Tole,or Tukke)
C ques was on pointers & arrays, Macros,Scope of variables. Plz read probability also.(Throwing dice & coins , cards Plz note, they will also collect your rough sheet along wih answer sheet & i think it,s also some strategy.
2nd test was on programming 2 programs have to be wrtitten 1) Binary Tree Sort (assume tree is there & use ,inorder, traversal. ) 2)Finding element in array (Use Binary search if given array is ,sorted,) They focus on complxity also.
1St TI
Asked all basic of DS , focus was on Link list ,trees.& OOPs concept.
2nd TI
They ask to write programs for linklist,quicksort, e.t.c.
Be prepared with all of DS & sorting algos. They love linklist.