Hi, friends. I am Anoop Yadav CSE student from APEEJAY COLLEGE OF ENGG SOHNA. I have attended the persistent joint campus on 29th Feb. 2008 at JIMS ROHINI. There were basically 39 colleges from DELHI IP UNIVERSITY. The joint campus was only for CST/IT students.
There were 2600 students
180 cleared the 1st round
And finally 42 students were selected.
I was the only student selected from my college.
1st round was technical aptitude (duration: - 1hrs)
It basically contain 40 questions
15 general aptitudes like logical deduction from RS aggarwal (simple one)
35 technical questions from C, C++, DBMS, OPERATING SYSTEM
Overall it was a simple round and cutoff was I think 50-55%.
2nd round was programming round:- (duration :- 1hrs)
It consists of 2 programs
1) It was a linked list program
write a program using linked list in which each node consists of following information.
Telephone no
i) Write the program to add information of students in linked list
ii) now search the record of students such that three consecutive student have same telephone number.
2) statement :-
Write a program that count the number of times a word is repeated in a given
Ex . Persistent company looks for technical guys . Persistent is a core company
Which deals in outsourcers
Output should be like:-
Persistent 2
Company 2
Looks 1
NOTE:- Both round 1st and 2nd were held at consecutively and I think that programming round was not elimination round . programs were discuss by them during there technical rounds.
3rd round was TECH-1( verbal duration 45min to 1hr 15min)
In this round they will ask technical question from c, c++, dbms , operating system , microprocessor.
It was quite difficult round. One thing I would to say that that were not looking for definitions but they want depth knowledge of concepts and generally asked
How this can be implemented in real life so be prepare with ur technical.
My technical round was continued for 1:30 hrs.
Note:- In the beginning they will said that there will be two technical rounds. Then depending upon the candidate 1st tech . they take 2nd tech round .
They were some cutoff in tech-1. In my time the candidate who scored 28-30 out 30 were directly send to HR ROUND.
The candidate who scored 26-27 were send for tech-2 there also they have cutoff of 26 marks out of 30. this thing we came to know after our Hr rounds.
we are the only 4 students who were directly send from tech-1 to hr round
4th round was TECH-2 (Verbal duration (45 min to 1hrs)
5th round was HR ROUND( duration 45 min to 1hrs).
it was completely based on ur resume . I will suggest u to be honest to hr officer as they ask next questions from what u have said in the last questions . pls dont take it lightly . it was the main elimination round many students were rejected in hr round.
Note:- there were giving full time to each student in every round whether they have to reject or select the student .
Suggestions :-
1) They are looking for technical guys. They are not looking ur communication skills so try to explain the logics in what ever language u r comfortable. I had given my both technical and hr rounds in HINDI . SO dont worry abt the communication skills .
2) Be honest in ur resume write only those subjects in resume on which u have full command because ur technical starts from ur favorite subjects so dont try to impress with ur resume because both technical and hr round goes around resume.
3) Try to be honest in hr round because there is a cross questioning after ur each answer.
4) Company simply looks for concepts not for definition so try to have depth knowledge in each subjects mentioned above.