The technial questions are mainly from environmental engineering and soil mechanics.The questions were simple and they are basics.
What does the mix design ratio imply: ans: cement : fineaggregate : coarse aggregate
What type of tendons are used in rail sleepers:
Who is the father of soil mechanics
Name the instrument usedfor the mesurement of velocity
What type of pile is used in the cohesionless soils: anchor piles(ans)
Removal of airvoids from the soil is defined as : compaction(ans)
Is the BOD content at 20degree or 30 degree is less after 5 days: 3odegree
Definition of reynolds num
Difference between indore and bangalore method of lanfill-bangalore is anaerobic and indore method is aerobic
Find the coefficient of active earth pressurewhen angle is 30degree
Definition of void ratio: ratio of volume of voids to volume of solids
What does the radius of the mohrcircle represent
The most healthy practice of disposal of waste: ans: landfill
The water body constructed to store the river water : dam
The structure constructed to allow the overflow in the dam: spillway
Two questions on the effective length of the column
Ratio of polar modulus to sectional modulus
Types of foundation used for various soils like cohesive and cohesion less soils
A qustion on the basic definition of delta and duty
The unit hydrograph is plotted for: discharge vs time
Various atmospheric zones : troposphere stratosphere mesopsphereetcc..arrange in the order
End products after the chlorination
2-3 problems on the noise polution verysimple formula oriented probs
Maths from ratios, percentages, ages, averages and the time work need to be concentrated
Data interpretation-from graphs,various information given
Abigparagraph with 5qns
General knowledge - 7 qns