Hai friends......,
This is the latest question paper from novell,hope help u little bit,
section1 :Apti(15)-----------------20min
section2 :Tech(c)-----------------20min
section3:Operating sytem--------15(min)..........
sections r same as previous patterns,
5 questions r like ..given 4 sentences u have choose an option of logically correct order...
ex:1: a->tom is taller than ravi
b>satish is smaller than tom
c->tom and suresh r equal in height...
1)acb 2)abc 3) cab 4)bca....
like this questions r 5...
1.question on time and wirk
2.pipes and cisterns..
3.alligation mixtures..
like this questions r five...
given one smalll passage contains mathematical part also..like calculating profit and ,losss etc..
from this passage 5 questions ................no puzzles this time....
operating system questions...
1.Given main memory,size page size 4kb u hav calculate page table size....(4)
2.If 3 and more process r ther which one suitable...1.semaphore 2.spin lock 3.mutex...etc----ans:spin lock(check it)
3.With 32 bit addressing how memory u can address (4gb)
4.A system has fixed and large block size ..then which of the following is suitable.......1.efficient throughput,more delay...etc2......... 3..........less delay less throughput etccccccc
5.Which of the following not ther in process context.program counter2.parent id....
grill on basics only be confident on basics...............
section wise cuttoff is ther b carefulll....
C very easy involves some algo,s also asking for time complexity(merge sort)..what is time complexity to extract max element in min heap?
2.fabonnaci --iterative is best r recursive...
100 members ..attende..8 members shortlisted in written...........3 mem selected fianlly .
overalll written is not that much easy.......................