General - Interview PMI,sectar 16a,NOIDA - 3 July 2007
General - Interview PMI,sectar 16a,NOIDA - 3 July 2007 by Novell
Details of General - Interview PMI,sectar 16a,NOIDA - 3 July 2007 by Novell conducted by Novell for job interview.
Hello frns,
I m from electronics and communication engg.
I hv been called for int. on 3&4 jul 07 after clearing the written exam. On d first day there was psycho test which was a formality and the gd.the gd was organized in groups of 7-9 candidates.2 topics were given and we hav to select one of them. Only one observer was present at my topic was globalization and its effect on India. The psycho test was of 7 min. consisting of 24 ques. & the gd was of 10-12 min.The whole of the day was engaged in document verification. the meal and tea is provided by them at no cost. At last we were told about d tim we should com next day for interview.
The interview was of 15 min (fix) as after every 15 min new candidate enters. I got an advantage of being a fresher so they just ask me about my final year project and nothing else. I was also placed in a good comp. so most of d tim they ask about d reason for joining the NTPC.
U should always b prepare for this question.
They called 125 candidates for 25 seats.
I m still waiting for the results to be announced in first week of august.