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Placement Paper New Delhi 2012 by Nagarro

Details of Placement Paper New Delhi 2012 by Nagarro conducted by Nagarro for job interview.
2011 Nagarro Placement Paper:-

1.sinx+sin2x=1,then cos2x+xos4x=?

a)1 b)3 c)0 d)none

2.cos 30d/sin 10d + cos 59d/sin 31d =?

a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4

3. x pow (a+b) . x pow(b+c). x pow (c+a)/ (x pow(a). x pow(b) . x pow(c)) pow(2)=?

a)0 b)1 c)8 d) 5

4. length of minute hand is 5.4 cm, area covered by this in 10 min is ?

a)50.97 b)57.23 c)55.45 d)59.14

5. Write a program to check whether 2 strings given by the user are anagram strings or not.

For example:

str1: Are you engineer.
str2: You are engineer.

Output: yes

str1: Am i fine.
str2: I,m fine.

Output: No

str1: Am i fine.
str2: I am fire.

Output: No

6. Write a program to find out the combination of an element of each array gives a result 0.

For example:

array 1: {2,1,4,7}
array 1: {3,-3,-8,0}
array 1: {-1,-4,-7,6}


pairs =


7. Write a program to get the subsequence of a bit 1 and 0 given in a array of bits.

For example:





8. Write a program to get the first non repeating alphabet from the given string by the user

For example:

string = abcba

Output : c

string = abcdecbae

Output : d

string =naveen

Output : a

9. if Sec^2 A= 4xy/(x+y)^2

Ans:- This is possible only for x=y;

10. if SecA*SinA=0 then what will be the Value of CosA.

Ans:- CosA=Cos0=1

11. What will be the Max. Value of f(x) = (sinx-cosx)^2


12. If tan A = 2-(3)^1/2 then what will be the value of tan (90-A)

Ans:- 2+3^1/2

13. if log [log (x+4)-4] =0

7 5 then what will be the value of x.


14. What will effect on the Area of a triangle if the side of triangle just double from their original Side.

15. Two question based on ven diagram.

16. One Question on profit and loss such as if a shopkeeper sell 960 gm sugar in respect of 1000g at same price then what will there profit .Ans:- 25/6

17. How Many no. Between 1000 to 9900 in which four digits of number are different.

18. if xy = 6 and x^2y+xy^2+x+y = 9 then find out the Value of x^2 + y^2

19. First Question was base on Blood relation . it was such that if A, B, C, D, E, F, have relation with J as Father, Brother, Daughter, Aunt , Mother, Wife Unorderly and there was given condition such as

1) A and B have not same Sex

2) D, E have Same Sex

3) E born Before A.

20. An array of size 5X5 is given to us. The elements from 1 to 25 are to be inserted in the array, such that starting from a particular position for an element i, the next element i+1can be inserted only at the mentioned positions (u,v), and if these all positions are occupied then it returns giving a count of how many positions have been occupied in the array:
(u,v) = (x+/-3 , y)
(u,v) = (x , y+/-3)
(u,v) = (x+/-2 , y+/-2).

Nagarro palcement paper In Banglore campus recruitment in 2011

Q:-1 find the all possible combination of digits ranging 1 to 9 whose sum is 10,
no digit shud be repeated in any combination.

Q:-2 if there is a matrix A[][] of order m and another matrix B[][] of order n such that (m>n) you have to find the occurance of matrix B[][] in matrix A[][].
this matriix B exist in A

Q:-3 Take an array of 100 elements and fill it with the no 1 to 100 such that
one no shud skip and one no shud repeated. Find the no which is repeated and
which is skipped.

Technical Part
Q1. Write a program to check whether 2 strings given by the user are anagram strings or not.

For example:

str1: Are you engineer.
str2: You are engineer.

Output: yes

str1: Am i fine.
str2: I,m fine.

Output: No

str1: Am i fine.
str2: I am fire.

Output: No

Q2. Write a program to find out the combination of an element of each array gives a result 0.

For example:

array 1: {2,1,4,7}
array 1: {3,-3,-8,0}
array 1: {-1,-4,-7,6}


pairs =


Q3. Write a program to get the subsequence of a bit 1 and 0 given in a array of bits.

For example:





Q4. Write a program to get the first non repeating alphabet from the given string by the user

For example:

string = abcba

Output : c

string = abcdecbae

Output : d

string =naveen

Output : a

Aptitude - Numerical Father Agnel School,New Delhi - 9 February 2010 NAGARRO 9th FEBRUARY AT NEW DELHI
Hello friends, Navneet here from Meerut.I gave Nagarro paper.
1.sinx+sin2x=1,then cos2x+xos4x=?

2.cos 30d/sin 10d + cos 59d/sin 31d =?

3. x pow (a+b) . x pow(b+c). x pow (c+a)/ (x pow(a). x pow(b) . x pow(c)) pow(2)=?
d) 5

4) length of minute hand is 5.4 cm, area covered by this in 10 min is ?

Programmin section 1.30 hrs 4 question.
1)Seat Planing
Write a function for seat allocate and seat reserved.Seat allocate array and seat reserver array.Seatallocate array is of 10*20 and each row and column represent A1,A2....;B1,B2.....;........J1,J2... andso on i.e row are A to J whereas col starts from 0 to 19.Each cell in the table represent either 0 or1. 0 rep seat available , 1 repr seat reserved. Seat allocation starts from highest to lowest.And row j is highest, i is second highest and so on.Max 20 seats can be booked at a time. if seat is available print the seat no like "B2" i.e (2 row, 3 col)and seat is booked." otherwise Print "Seat is not available."

2) A string of charater is given.Find the highest occurance of a character and display that character.
I,J(if equal occurance)
3)Remove all the blank spaces between character.Matrix is of 10* 10.
| N | A | | V | |T
| |G | U | |P |
|T | | | A | |

| N | A | V | T | |
|G |U | P | | |
|T | A | | | |

4)write a function to give demostrate the functionality of 3d in 1d. function prototye:
change(int value,int indexX,int indexY,int indexZ, int [] 1dArray);
value=what is the date; indexX=x-asix indexY=y-axis indexZ=z-axis and 1dArray=in which and where
the value is stored.

Whole Testpaper Pce, Jaipur - 19 February 2009 NAGARRO 19th FEBRUARY AT JAIPUR
Hello Friend, Ajay Here. I just decribing here at Paper Procedure Which held at PCE, Jaipur on 19 feb.2009, Mainly for nagarro Selecton procedure 3 round conduct
In Round first.
40 Question in 90 minutes.
There Mainly two Section.
Apptitude Section:-
Apptitude Section there was 40 question
This Section divide in two part.
1) Mathematics part:-(20 Question) Trignometry, Profit and loss,Ven disgram,Sphere, Trinagle problems
Some Question in Mathematic was such as
1) if Sec^2 A= 4xy/(x+y)^2
Ans:- This is possible only for x=y;

2)if SecA*SinA=0 then what will be the Value of CosA.
Ans:- CosA=Cos0=1

3) What will be the Max. Value of f(x) = (sinx-cosx)^2

4) If tan A = 2-(3)^1/2 then what will be the value of tan (90-A)
Ans:- 2+3^1/2

5) if log [log (x+4)-4] =0

7 5 then what will be the value of x.

6) What will effect on the Area of a triangle if the side of triangle just double from their original

7) Two question based on ven diagram.

8) One Question on profit and loss such as if a shopkeeper sell 960 gm sugar in respect of 1000g at same price then what will there profit .Ans:- 25/6

9) How Many no. Between 1000 to 9900 in which four digits of number are different.

10) if xy = 6 and x^2y+xy^2+x+y = 9 then find out the Value of x^2 + y^2

2) Reasonong Part:- Mainly there was four question and each question divided in 5 Sub Question
1) First Question was base on Blood relation . it was such that if A, B, C, D, E, F, have relation with J as Father, Brother, Daughter, Aunt , Mother, Wife Unorderly and there was given condition such as
1) A and B have not same Sex
2) D, E have Same Sex
3) E born Before A.
Then Find out the following Answer.

2) Second Question was based on A Contract.
These All question from R.S. Agarrwal. So Please refer them for Practice because it is Very time
Consuming Part.
Technical Paper:-
Second Paper of Round 1 total Technical. There Was four Question one Quest ion i Remember was
such as
Q.1 A string of charater is given.Find the Continous Occurance of a character and display that
A or if Same then A and D.
Q.2 One question was base on Hash Table related Teacher, Their topic,in A 20 days Period.
Q.3 Based on link list where one pointer Point the Next Node and Second Show their Sub Node.

Towrite a Fuction Which Return the largest integer Value.

Second part
1.a function input(int[] array) was given and we had to enter any number and the entered no./should convert into absolute no like 4578, 6789 , 1234 etc means the no should convert into/incresing nos.
2.A mXn matrix was given and rows and coloumn were sorted as shown below then we had to/write a function that search a desired entered no in the matrix .with minimum complexity
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
3.There is a array of 99 cells and we have to enter 1-100 elements in it , no two elements wouldrepeat , so the is one no. missing because 99 cells and 1-100 nos. sowe had to implement a function to find that missing no.