There were basically 3 papers -software ,DSP, Semiconductor software paper (20 questions 45 minutes) concentrate more on data structures 10 questions from data structures and 10 from C++ and data structures10 questions were in the fill in the blank format and 10 questions were multiple choice questions.
bubble sorting is
a)two stage sorting
d)none of the above
.c++ supports
a) pass by value only
b) pass by name
c) pass by pointer
d) pass by value and by reference
.Selection sort for a sequence of N elements
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
Insertion sort
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
what is a language?
a) set of alphabets
b)set of strings formed from alphabets
d)none of the above
Which is true abt heap sort
a)two method sort
b)has complexity of O(N2)
c)complexity of O(N3)
In binary tree which of the following is true
a)binary tree with even nodes is balanced
b)every binary tree has a balance tree
c)every binary tree cant be balanced
d)binary tree with odd no of nodes can always be balanced
Which of the following is not conducive for linked list implementation of array
a)binary search
b)sequential search
c)selection sort
d)bubble sort
In c++ ,casting in C is upgraded as
Which of the following is true abt AOV(Active On Vertex trees)
a)it is an undirected graph with vertex representing activities and edges representing precedence relations
b)it is an directed graph "" "" """ "" "" "" "" "" "
Question on worst and best case of sequential search
question on breadth first search
char *p="abcdefghijklmno"
then printf("%s",5[p]);
what is the error
struct { int item; int x;}
main(){ int y=4; return y;}
error:absence of semicolon
Which of the following is false regarding protected members
a)can be accessed by friend functions of the child
b) can be accessed by friends of child,s child
c)usually unacccessible by friends of class
d) child has the ability to convert child ptr to base ptr
What is the output of the following
void main()
int a=5,b=10;
int &ref1=a,&ref2=b;
++ ref1;
++ ref2;