2 is mother of 3 who is a teacher
4 is Grand mother of 3 that is a house wife.
3 is sister of 1
6 is father of 1 that is doctor
and 5 is lawyer father of 6
Q1- who is student
Q2- who is engineer.
Q3- who is a girl in the family.
Q4 - sum of the no between 1 to 100 divisible by 2 and 5.
ans 550
Q5 - some question were from english series as which will be next
ADEHI .... and is LM
Q6- some were from probability.
as 2 dice are thrown and probabily of coming some more than 8.
some question were from reasoning....
and in last there was technical question from DS, VB and .Net as
1 - the size of text box.
2 - the size of msg box
3- what operator used to compare two string
4- DIM i,j means ... variant i,and variant j