written test: Two set of papers were there, 1 for EC & 1 for CS. I opted for CS.
50 technical: most of the weightage was given to DBMS, data structures etc.
30 C programming: Read exploring C completely, in my suggestion that is vry good & sufficient book for C questions.
20 aptitude question:
Few questions were like-
1> Arrange Them in the order of space complexity
Merge sort, quick sort, heap sort
2> Void main()
printf (hi);
printf(%d %d ,complete,complete1);
o/p- hi 12 11
3> How many times in a day the hr. & min. hands of a clock are in straight line.
4> How many times in a day the hr. & min. hands of a clock meet each other.
5> Structure A
int x;
float y;
union B
int p;
float ;
choices: 1.all the times a & b have same size, 2. such declaration r not possible
3. a & b have same size. 4..
6> a simple qus on flow in a switch-case block