Hai friends, Iam uday kumar.k.Iam studying IVEEE in MITS, MADANAPALLE. I attended for the recruitment process of HEXAWARE Tech,Chennai.on 8&9 of nov.,2006. the test pattern is having three rounds. ->written test ->G.D ->Tech/HR interview In our college they held an off campus,in that 480 members were take part in written test. Out of them 141 members are short listed for the group disscussion. Written is not easy n as well as not difficult.100 questions are given n u have 2 ans in 1 hr.The written test ques paper is different for IT n NON IT students.I,being non it student,Ican advice for non it students. Other 2 rounds are same n out of breanch. Written test consists of three categories. 1)ENGLISH In this section u have again four parts,spelling correction,paragraph forming,synonims n antonims. GARNIR CRUED GLAANSE EXERSISE CAPSION these r only examples but u will get the hard ones than u prepare. the second one is paragraph forming. In this part u will given first n last sentences n choice for middle four sentences. i.e options r in jumbled form u have to choose the right jumble. Be thorough it,s easy. The other parts are synonims and antonims.These are highly difficult some words u may not heard atleast once in ur lifetime. Uhave to chose the best word from the options given. VERIZON PROFFESSIONAL AGREE DISCARD CRUNCH TARGET INSTERT BRAKE etc.. 2)General aptitude. this have the simple aptitude problems. >>problem on percentages >>problem on profit&loss >>problem on discounts >>problem on time & distance >>problem on time n work >>problem on numbers for us no series r oddman out were given but u be through with them. 3)Technical: This is the hot point of the test paper such thet all ur intermediate and talent have to be used here. >>If a chip having 8 bit address line what,s it meomory? (simple 2^8= 4KB) >>what is the alternative equipment for ac voltage controller(TRIAC) >>Some problems on control systems such as find the poles n zeros for given T.F (s+2)s/(s-2)(s^2+7)+25 >>Basics of electricalEngg i.e electric machines and power systems >>Basics of electronics i.e DSP,EDC and micro processors. After completion of written test u have most easy,dangerous and best eliminating round G.D. They allot 12 members for each gooup.Topic may give themsealves r thyey ask u to chose the topic for ur self. It,s depend on ur Observer.If they issue the topic, its well n good.Else u chose the topic in the current affairs. The best for G.D are >> avoiding copy in educational institutions >>globalisation >>global warming >>need for MBA >>love marriage n arranged marriage >>effect of movies on youth Dont miss the chance to initialise the topic. Dont watch the observer there is a chane to get him as ur be cool n talk effectively whatever the points u have.Be a best listner. Advice the members who r idle to talk n give a chance to them. This shows ur leadership quqlities. I got the topic effect of movies on youth I initialised n concluded the topic. I suggested the movies r necessary for youth. I rised the points on technology development, dresscode and livind insociety etc.. If u want to initialise dont adict for a single point dissciss both advs and disadvs of the topic.Maintain eye contact with the speaker it,s importent. In our college,141 members are attended G.D. but only 26 members are short listed for the interview process. All this is done on 8th nov.,2006.On next day interviews are conducted. Be prepare for both technical and HR interview.Remember ur written test code and number,he may ask. In the interview process he may give the ques to write a progam for desired one,or he can give a set if ques on ur B.Tech basics i.e micro processors, control systems,network theory etc.. Out of 26 members, I was around 14th member called. At first he was uotside of the cabin and asked me to go n sit in d cabin.After some time he came back and said Hi to me I just stand from my chair and wished him good morning. He asked me for my application and resume. He started his claw of questions witha simple one tell me about ur self. Be prepare for this question it gives u all ur inf,n abt u and the confidance level also. In my resume I added an extra proffessiona coursce called MCSE-2003 on LAN networking. He asked me various ques on that only. such as differences between PDC/BDC,trusted domain and trusting domaim,DNS,IP etc.. I answered all the questions except one.After a long peroid of these session,he asked me"any ques,ns?" I asked him about the profile of the job. he explained and gave me shake hand. I replied with confidence. After 3 hr.s they checked in all criterions i.e written, G.D n interview considering the best marks in each field. and announced the results. I was shocked that only 4 members were selected in those Iam the one. Thank God. Last but not least believe in god be prepare well. dont neglect ur B.Tech basics any time.Meet u in HEXAWARE