Hi Friends,
I got selected in hexaware technologies on dec 11th... Their selection procedure consists of 3 rounds 1.Aptitude 2.GD 3.Technical and HR 1.Aptitude The Aptitude round consisted of 100 questions and you are given 60 minutes time... The aptitude round consisted 25 verbal q,s, 25 Maths q,s and 50 tecnical q,s... Time will not be enough to complete the paper start with verbal and move to technical and at last do the maths... The cut off is only 30 so there will not be any problem in clearing it... But the paper will be very difficult... The technical aptitude questions is different for IT and Non IT stream... 60 attended the aptitude and 30 cleared it... 2.GD The GD is very simple... You are given 2 minutes time to choose the topic of your own and then immediately start the discussion... We were divided into group of 10... Choose simple topics... The topics of our 3 groups were 1. arranged marriage vs love marriage 2.Cell phone boon or bane 3.Co education good or bad The important thing GD is dont fight like a debate... Be loud and clear... Dont ever see the HR person sitting there... Discuss among your members... Dont switch from advantage to disadvantage... Speak out valuable points... These are more than important to clear the GD... Out of the 30 who cleared the aptitude 14 were selected for the technical and HR round... 3.Technical and HR This is the major round of filtering... You should be very strong in technical... The resume should be perfect... They find out many mistakes in it... My technical interview lasted for nearly 45 minutes... there were two persons out of which only one asked me the questions... Some of the questions were Marquee, vlink, alink in HTML... Some unix commands... Client server tecnology... Wat is Web Client... Applet, AWT difference between them... Told me to write Stack and Linked list program in C... Why is the #include used in c... Who founded the internet and how was it founded... What is OS...Few HR questions and some more tecnical questions... At last he wished me good luck... Out of the 14 who cleared the aptitude only 2 were selected and to my surprise i was one among the two... I thank the almighty for this... Be confident... Prepare more for technical... There is no need for preparation for the other two rounds... This is enough to clear... I wish u all the best friends...