1. Delloitee recriuts moostly women from freshers in campus
2. All placement organisers and co-ordinaters, try to provide them with more what they ask, all infrastructure else they gonna make pay you for what do you did in the evening. For sure you will not get more placements in the evening or they will not visit your campus the next year
3. Attend the pre-placement talk in formalz only
They gonna leave you no excuses. I mean they simply don,t care 4 all the damn hell going around they simply say they want energy.
They are the only humans who can see Energy in the dressing thats too on lyin formals
4. 1 silly written test without any negatives
5. Then cums the world,s most stupid and immoral, ugly seletion process step normally any company would give you negative points when you dominate your team memebrs in G.D. or Case Study
Well thats not the case with Deloitte
The only condition to get placed in Deloitte is dominate, over power and out show all your team member in a GD or CS. Usually, you can,t get eliminated when you co-ordinate with your team members in a GD or CS.
They think that their selection criteria in GD is absolutely the best, in fact this is totally immoral and unethical.
"Our company is totally moral and ethical" this is what you can hear in pre-placement talk presentation
6. There cums the world,smost simple intervew." Tell me about yourself"
Answer it properly, and he gives the placement order to your placement order
Personal interview:
Its the world,s most worst, worster, worstest selection process l,ve ever seen. They gonna make you pay for what you did till morning. Hope they may change their attitude in coming few years.
Note: I never mind what they, damn care for this because its truth what i,ve said