1. Personal Introduction and Topic round
2. Hr Round
3. Voice Asscent round
4. Operational Manager round.
5. Hr round (Reg sal and etc)
1. Personal Introduction and Topic round:
This is easy round and they ask u to say about urself and then ask to speak on topic for minimum of 1 min and topic which i have choosen is "Importance of Team Work"
2. Hr Round
a) Tell me about urself?
b) What do u know about Dell?
c) Why do u want to join Dell?
d) R u ready to sign a bound?
e) Tell ur strenghts and weakness?
f) what is meant by BPO?
3) Voice Asscent Round
In the voice asscent round u need to speak on phone with the trainee of Dell. He will generally ask u to introduce urself and then ask u to speak about any topic and again he will give u one topic and u need to speak about it.
At last he will ask Sentence completion like
a. if it rains ----------------------------
b. in summer ------------------------
c. if i cooks -------------------------
d. if i don,t cook ----------------------
e. i love -----------------------------
f. no one ------------------------
g. etc