Hi, it was 18 Sep when CSC visted our college i.e BIET Jhansi.......It has 5 people whole came....
we have to go through 5 rounds given below:
1. Aptitude
2. Technical Written
3. Communication round(including extempo)
4. Technical Interview
5. HR
it involve 140 question which include some english part also .......numeric part was not so tough but it was very difficult to break english questions......time limit was 1 hour.. after giving the apptitude round we waited for result......out of 90.... 36 cleared the apptitude...
Technical Written
it involve 55 question has to be completed in 1 has all the subject question which we have studied in B.Tech Computer Science....Data Structure,DBMS,comp Architecture,comp n/w,etc...... cut off was 23......I scored highest in CS and IT after giving technical round we waited for result 16 cleares the technical round............
Communication After clearing the technical written we went for interview which first have .....communication round....main stress was given on fluency speak good one.... it also have an extempo in which on topic was given and we have to speak on that immediatly..............i have cleared that round....
Technical Interview
My technical interview was very went for appox 50 min.......I: may i come in sir HR:yes sure.. I: Good evening sir
HR: very Good evening Ashish...have a seat...I sat he congrats me for clearing my previous round....
HR: tell me about ur self I: i told
HR: well...r u familiar with C... I: yes
HR: WAP to print a pattern
I 1 min with no error
HR: what is ur area of intrest... I: sir data Stucture
Hr: ok............write aprogram to add a node to a link list? I wrote with output....he was impressed and ask me can u write for doubly link list.I asked for paper he said let it be.................
Hr: have done any project..... I: yes sir i have done a project in ASP.NET with C#..... I explained my project.........he asked me some coding i explained him.........
HR: what it LAN? I:Answered..
HR:what is MAC? I:sorry sir....
HR:what is Modem? I:Answered..... then he passed me to HR round....
he asked me about the enviorment i would like to work....i satisfy the bond and condition.... my family background... and very specialmy hobbies....and my achivement i have written in my was brilliant day for me as only 2 were finally selected .......HR then called me and made an announcment that i was selected in CSC and asked me how will i celebrate the day.....I was the most pleasant moment of my life to be placed in CSC................I was feeling great and top of the world...