hey guys this is mohan ....
and i attended for csc on 20th may 2010 at AUDISANKARA COLLEGE GUDUR.
Intially we were given a presentation on the company profile where we are given the full details about the company and the benifits provided and the package for the freshers and its great pleasure to hear that the company is providing 3.5 or above salary for the freshers and by listening to it i was very committed to be placed in that....
selection procedure involves 4 rounds
The day we attended is the day of cyclone where cyclone "LAILA" hit coast of gudur and ate all the time and written test started at 12pm .
In Written test have to solve 2 papers
Paper 1 was of APTITUDE in which there r 40 questions , and we have to solve it in 40 minutes . Most of the questions are of general , 5 suduko puzzles , 10 english questions and the other aptitude questionsand the english questions are very tough for those who have not gone through GRE BARRONS and the others questions r easy if u gone through R.S. Agarwal . cutofff would be 18 (i think so...)
Paper 2 was of TECHNCAL in which there r 75 question and we have to solve it in 40 minutes plus we have to write an essay in english on the given topic. this is is a difficult n time seems to be too short for this. Around 15 ques from c, 5 from os, 10 from DBMS,5 from CN, 5 from microprocessor, 5 from microcontrollers , 5-10 from data stuctures
5 from software engineering ,and othersss. cut off would be around 35 or more . written test is a sectional cutoff and we hav to clear both papers.
As i have done well in both papers with 22 in aptitude and 38 in technical i got through the written
Next is GD/JAM where the HR is going 2 check out how confident u r and asses ur comunication skills and fluency of the candiadate and it is easy 2 clear if u hav a gud fluency and timing.
hey becareful this is round most of the people got eliminated if u dont focus.
i easily cleared of this round.
Next round is the TECHNICAL HR where i hav interviewed for more than 40 mins and think of it how hard it is. most of technical interviwers are going to focus on DBMS for csit people and projects and other thing for other branches. complex queries will be given and asked us to answer those , even the basics of OS,CN,and other like C AND DATA STRUCTURES are asked.
AS i have prepared for GATE it does not seem to be hard for me but few of my friends find it very difficult n friends who had a good technical easily made it .
And this round consists of HR where u r tested aginst ur confidence levels and its easy .
And it took late night around 11 to announce results and iam exited to listen my name MOHAN JANGA from list of selected candidates and iam really happy and finally i made it . As a whole 49 got selected n from my college PBR VITS , KAVALI 8 got selected and it was my dream day " I GOT INTO CSC "