Hai ,
I am very happy to inform u all that I have got a job at AppLabs.
My written exam was on 18th & interviews were on 19th.
Here r the details of the exam and interview pattern in AppLabs. I hope it will help U in future.
The written test was easy. 25 mins - 30 Qs ( 10 Verbal , 10 Quants, 10 Reasoning )
All were very easy ( no synonyms, antonyms) only to test our grammar.
Quants had probs on Ages, Proportions, Time & Work, Time & distance, numbers etc.
Reasoning took some time. Qs on relationships, letters etc.
5 rounds of Interviews :
1st : for testing communication skills ( General Qs )
2nd: technical Qs ( languages used in Projects ). Some Qs on project
3rd : technical Qs - by senior employees (tough one) In detail abt the projects. Lot of tough questions.
4th : HR + Some technical Qs ( by senior most persons ) i.e. top level persons.
He checked all of my certificates for 7 National level project presentations and prizes.
---------------- If v clear this, then v r selected. ----------------------
5th : HR ( just a formality).
Out of 3000 candidates, 200 were called for interview and 60 were the available seats.
So, I am quite lucky to get selected in my first job attempt. Most of the selected persons were experienced