Whole Testpaper - Reading No. 3
QUARK Placement Sample Question Paper There was an online written test50 questions = 10 comp. awareness, 10 mathematical (easy), 10 verbal reasoning(difficult, lenghty, you are advised to attempt them at last only ), 20 c++ or c or Java whichever u opt.then three interviews, (2 technical, one hr) are taken.quarks people stress on c++, os, dbms, SE(testing, sdlc etc.) in the interview.here are some questions that i can recall from the written test.one question of c++main(){int x=10,y=20,z=5;x=x cout < }ans 1here quarks was on 12-8-03 andrecruit 2 mca,s and 12be,s.first you should opt test in c++,because they haveonly requirements in c++.they will ask questions on virtualfunctions,destructures...