Quark Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

Download quark placement papers in ms word and pdf format for written exams. Check quark sample interview questions and test papers for your job interview.

Reading No. 1 - Aptitude - General

QUANTITATIVE APTITUDEDirections for question nos. 1-2: Eighty Five children went to amusement park where they could ride on merry go-round roller coaster and Ferris wheel .It was known that 20 of them have took all three rides and 55 of them have taken at least two of the three rides. Each ride cost Rs.1 and the total receipt of the amusement park was Rs.145.1) How many children did not try any of the rides. ?A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20 Ans. 15.20 kids * 3 rides = Rs. 60(55-20=)35 kids * 2 rides = Rs. 7060 + 70 = Rs. 130So, Rs. (145 130 = ) 15 are left for the other (85 55 = ) 30 kids . so only 15 of them can take a ride and rest 15 will be left out.145 rides were taken. 20 of them took...

Whole Testpaper - Reading No. 3

QUARK Placement Sample Question Paper There was an online written test50 questions = 10 comp. awareness, 10 mathematical (easy), 10 verbal reasoning(difficult, lenghty, you are advised to attempt them at last only ), 20 c++ or c or Java whichever u opt.then three interviews, (2 technical, one hr) are taken.quarks people stress on c++, os, dbms, SE(testing, sdlc etc.) in the interview.here are some questions that i can recall from the written test.one question of c++main(){int x=10,y=20,z=5;x=x cout < }ans 1here quarks was on 12-8-03 andrecruit 2 mca,s and 12be,s.first you should opt test in c++,because they haveonly requirements in c++.they will ask questions on virtualfunctions,destructures...

Reading No. 2 - Whole Testpaper

VERBAL SECTIONDirections: Give the synonyms for the following words1. Depreciation: deflation, depression, devaluation, fall, slump2. Deprecate : feel and express disapproval,3. Incentive : thing one encourages one to do (stimulus)4. Echelon : level of authority or responsibility5. Innovation : make changes or introduce new things6. Intermittent : externally stopping and then starting7. Detrimental: harmful 8. Conciliation : make less angry or more friendly9. Orthodox: conventional or traditional, superstitious10. Fallible : liable to error11. Volatile : ever changing12. Manifest: clear and obvious13. Connotation : suggest or implied meaning of expression14. Reciprocal: reverse or opposite15....
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