Adobe Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

Download adobe placement papers in ms word and pdf format for written exams. Check adobe sample interview questions and test papers for your job interview.

Adobe Placement Paper 21 October 2010

ADOBE Written TestSection -11) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same.2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert A to B.Write a function int BitSwapReqd(int A, int B);3) Write an algorithm to insert a node into sorted linked list.After inserting,the list must be sorted.4) Without using /,% and * operators. write a function to divide a number by 3.itoa() function is available.5) Wap to swap two integer pointers.6)Write a funcn int round(float x) to round off a floating point num to int.7) write an ALP to find sum of First n natural numbers using the followingInstructions LDA num ; load Accumulator with numDCR R ; decrement Register RINR R ; increment Register...

Adobe Placement Paper 27 Sepember 2010

C Paper:1. What is the difference between Char a[ ]=?string? and char *a=?String?2. What is wrong with the code? The code was for conversion from Celsius to FahrenheitdegF =5/9*(c+32)In code this line was wrong as we want 5/9 and that to be multiplied with bracket result. But here 9 will be first multiplied with bracket result.3. What are Data breakpoints? Give two scenarios where we make the use of this?4. What do you mean by Bit fields? Give example.5. Write the function for changing a number from hexadecimal to integer hoe,s?6. Compare two binary trees they are same or not.7. You have N computers and [Ca, Cb] means a is connected to b and this connectivity is symmetric and transitive. then...

Adobe Placement Paper 05 Sepember 2010

Two rounds: Not tough Question. But time management required.Engineering Round:(15 questions)1 Finding height of binary tree2. Number of times multiplication is required:int computeXn(int x int n){if(n%2=0){return x*x;}else if(n%2=0){int y computeXn(x n/2);return y*y;}else if(n%2=1){int y computeXn(x n/2);return y*y*x;}}Calculating power of a tree for 5^12.3. Polynomial A+Bx+Cx^2+....+Nx^(n-1) this representation is more suitable for which data structure. Then P and Q are two such polynomial and how to add that two using that data structure. WAP for that.4. Specification of variables in one language: letter follow by letter or digit.options:1. (LUD)*2. L.(LUD)* => this one right.3. L.(L.D)+4....


Hi FriendsAdobe came to Jadavpur University on July 27, 09. Following is the test pattern:1. Aptitude: 45 minutes 45 questions in total. Refer R.S Agarwal or CSR. 15 questions from analytical. 30 questions from quantitative aptitude. No test on English language.2. Subjective questions. 10 questions: 30 minutes. 10 questions: 45 minutes.The paper comprised of the following topics:1. Algorithm analysis. Finding time complexity of a program written in pseudo code. Writing 1 pass algorithms for sorting with some given constraint(s). 2. Microprocessor. Use of 5-6 mnemonics only and 3 registers we are asked to write a program.3. C-language. String operations without using standard string library functions.4....

Adobe Whole Testpaper - Updated Paper 6

ADOBE PAPER ON 25th FEBRUARY AT NOIDA   I have given the test on 25 February for the Developer. This was for the experienced people <=1year. We had to give two tests of Engineering and C or Java.   Both of the paper has 10 questions and 10 marks for each test. And each test is for 45 minutes.   C Paper:   What is the difference between Char a[ ]=string and char *a=String What is wrong with the code? The code was for conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit degF =5/9*(c+32)    In code this line was wrong as we want 5/9 and that to be multiplied with bracket result. But here 9 will be first multiplied with bracket result.     What are Data breakpoints?...

Adobe General - Interview

Adobe interview for freshers Written rounds:Round 1: Aptitude - Trivially simple. Time could be a problem for junta not preparing for CAT. Fifteen questions in fifteen minutes.Round 2: Quant - This was even more trivial. Thirty questions in thirty minutes.These two rounds were entirely objective, multiple-choice with no negative marking. We had to fill in an OMR sheet and very few of us had pencils and erasers with us - almost everybody had pens. That was bad as we couldn,t change an option after marking it.Round 3: Engineering. This included a lot of general stuff. Don,t remember much about it. Thirty minutes. 15 marksRound 4: Code. This was a real test. A lot of questions and quite a few that...

Adobe Technical - C & C++

Adope placement paper The test predominantly consists of algorithm questions and a lot of questions on trees.Some questions are:C test:Q1) linked list using recursion.Q2) Find if a number is divisible my 3, without using %,/ or *. You can use atoi().Q3) 2 integers A and B are given, find the no of bits that need to be flipped in A to get B. ( xor a and b and count the number of bits)Q4) Write a Rotate function for rotating elements in an array, using a reverse function.Q5) Given 2 sorted arrays A and B with duplicate elements, get C= A -B and does not have duplicates(use a variation of merging 2 arrays and then remove the duplicates.)Q6) Some routines to swap int pointers.Q7) Subtraction of...

Adobe Technical - Other

Hi, I went through the Adobe process some months back for a dev position (I have 3+ yrs of exp.). They have a written test day followed by (if you cleared the tests!) a interview day.Tests are fairly easy hey I sailed through them! Typical quantitative, problem solving (puzzles), coding. Some areas to brush up on for the tests:- C pointers (goes without saying!)- Searching (bsearch)- Binary trees and in-order, pre-order etc.- Recursion (a C test of some standing without recursion? Nah..!)- Automata / state machines- General C concepts - diff between macro and inline fn. diff between static, local, dynamic vars etc. Tests last for 2-3 hours but are not very intensive (if youve taken the...

Updated Paper 5 - Adobe Whole Testpaper

adobe sample test paper 3 rd september at mumbai    Written Test   1) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same. 2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert   A to B. Write a function int BitSwapReqd(int A, int B); 3) Write an algorithm to insert a node into sorted linked list. After inserting,   the list must be sorted. 4) Without using /,% and * operators. write a function to divide a number by 3.   itoa() function is available. 5) Wap to swap two integer pointers. 6) Write a funcn int round (float x) to round off a floating point num to int. 7) write an ALP to find sum of First n natural numbers using the following...

Adobe Whole Testpaper - Updated Paper 4

  Hi         I am Guru Pradeep M attended Adobe test on 16-07-2006. The test was on Analytical(easy), Quantitative(Easy), C(Easy but most on Data Structures).I Attended The test in Development Domain.Merit-Trac Conducted the test. Actually it was for both Testing & Devp Posn. Testing I dont Know.These are the quesns that was asked on C.Hope this Will help u a Lot. Waiting for results.Thank U.Bye Bye Guru Pradeep M   ADOBE Written Test 1) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same. 2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert   A to B. Write a function int BitSwapReqd(int A, int B); 3) Write an...


Hello,  I am Akash Singla, i got lot of queries about the kind of questions asked in Adobe test. I am trying to tell you as  much as i remember. There were four section: 1. Aptitude: They had fairly simple arithmatic question, questions on geometry and questions like whether information can be deduced from the comments given. It was fairly easy and jst u need to have basic clear. 2. Analytical: Questions like pattern matching, odd one out were there. Be careful while attempting these two sections that u wont be having much time. Before u know the time is over. 3. Computers: This paper is mostly from the topics u cover in B.Tech. there was one question on finite automata,Bit manipultaion(flipping...

Updated Paper 3 - Adobe Paper

 went through the Adobe process some months back for a dev position (I have 3+ yrs of exp.). They have a written test day followed by (if you cleared the tests!) a interview day.Tests are fairly easy hey I sailed through them! Typical quantitative, problem solving (puzzles), coding. Some areas to brush up on for the tests:- C pointers (goes without saying!)- Searching (bsearch)- Binary trees and in-order, pre-order etc.- Recursion (a C test of some standing without recursion? Nah..!)- Automata / state machines- General C concepts - diff between macro and inline fn. diff between static, local, dynamic vars etc. Tests last for 2-3 hours but are not very intensive (if youve taken the...

Adope Placement Paper

The test predominantly consists of algorithm questions and a lot of questions on trees.Some questions are:C test:Q1) linked list using recursion.Q2) Find if a number is divisible my 3, without using %,/ or *. You can use atoi().Q3) 2 integers A and B are given, find the no of bits that need to be flipped in A to get B. ( xor a and b and count the number of bits)Q4) Write a Rotate function for rotating elements in an array, using a reverse function.Q5) Given 2 sorted arrays A and B with duplicate elements, get C= A -B and does not have duplicates(use a variation of merging 2 arrays and then remove the duplicates.)Q6) Some routines to swap int pointers.Q7) Subtraction of 2 base 13 numbers.Q8)...

Adobe Paper - Updated Paper 2

There is a written test and followed by a gruelling rounds (6 intervies and a written test in 7 hrs - single day) of interview that were interesting but at times too stereotyped. I think the Adobe people (i mean those who took my interview) are obsessed with the idea that a person who can solve the puzzles fast is suited best to their job. Well, as my talks are indicating I was not selected but it was a good overall experience. One thing I would like to state is that in Adobe the work in more or less related to graphics and pixel testing as far as testing is concerned. So beware if you are not interested in the pixel matchinmg stuff as it can be hell of a work there. But overall USP of the company...

Updated Paper 1 - ADOBE PAPER

 have given the test on 25 February for the Developer. This was for the experienced people <=1year. We had to give two tests of Engineering and C or Java.   Both of the paper has 10 questions and 10 marks for each test. And each test is for 45 minutes.   C Paper:   What is the difference between Char a[ ]=string and char *a=String What is wrong with the code? The code was for conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit degF =5/9*(c+32)    In code this line was wrong as we want 5/9 and that to be multiplied with bracket result. But here 9 will be first multiplied with bracket result.     What are Data breakpoints? Give two scenarios where we make...

Adobe Sample

 Written Test   1) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same. 2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert   A to B. Write a function int BitSwapReqd(int A, int B); 3) Write an algorithm to insert a node into sorted linked list. After inserting,   the list must be sorted. 4) Without using /,% and * operators. write a function to divide a number by 3.   itoa() function is available. 5) Wap to swap two integer pointers. 6) Write a funcn int round (float x) to round off a floating point num to int. 7) write an ALP to find sum of First n natural numbers using the following Instructions      LDA...

Adobe Paper Technical - Other - 1 January 2005

 Hi, I went through the Adobe process some months back for a dev position (I have 3+ yrs of exp.). They have a written test day followed by (if you cleared the tests!) a interview day.Tests are fairly easy hey I sailed through them! Typical quantitative, problem solving (puzzles), coding. Some areas to brush up on for the tests:- C pointers (goes without saying!)- Searching (bsearch)- Binary trees and in-order, pre-order etc.- Recursion (a C test of some standing without recursion? Nah..!)- Automata / state machines- General C concepts - diff between macro and inline fn. diff between static, local, dynamic vars etc. Tests last for 2-3 hours but are not very intensive (if youve taken...

Adobe Sample Test Paper 3 Rd September At Mumbai

 Written Test   1) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same. 2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert   A to B. Write a function int BitSwapReqd(int A, int B); 3) Write an algorithm to insert a node into sorted linked list. After inserting,   the list must be sorted. 4) Without using /,% and * operators. write a function to divide a number by 3.   itoa() function is available. 5) Wap to swap two integer pointers. 6) Write a funcn int round (float x) to round off a floating point num to int. 7) write an ALP to find sum of First n natural numbers using the following Instructions      LDA...


ADOBE Written Test 1) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same. 2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert   A to B. Write a function int BitSwapReqd(int A, int B); 3) Write an algorithm to insert a node into sorted linked list.After inserting,   the list must be sorted. 4) Without using /,% and * operators. write a function to divide a number by 3.   itoa() function is available. 5) Wap to swap two integer pointers. 6)Write a funcn int round(float x) to round off a floating point num to int. 7) write an ALP to find sum of First n natural numbers using the following Instructions      LDA num  ...
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