Valuelabs Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

Download valuelabs placement papers in ms word and pdf format for written exams. Check valuelabs sample interview questions and test papers for your job interview.

ValueLabs PlacementPaper 27 January 2011

As I have cleared 1st Round, I was called to attend the technical test. By seeing the paper i was really shocked because they again gave the aptitude and reasoning. The paper comprises of 20 questions.APPTITUDE & REASONING 10 questionsTECHNICAL -10 questionsThe questions are listed below.1. In a class 70% passed in mathematics and 80 % passed in English. Together 40% failed in maths and English in a class of 133 members. How many students passed in both the subjects?2. There are seven stations between Chennai and howrah.How many type of second class tickets should be printed so as to serve all type of passengers?a. 20 b. 8 c. 4 d. 7 Ans: b 3.Tanya is older than Eric.Cliff is older than Tanya.Eric...

ValueLabs Placement Paper 13 December 2011

1) What does ,virtual"keyword in C++? 2) EACKFHDBG what is preorder? 3) Depth of balanced binary tree?a) log2n b) log2n+1 c) n d) None4) Total no od comparisons in buubble sort when list is not sorted 5) Eficien data structure for store/search list of 1000 recordsa) array b) double linked list c) circular queue d) hash table6) static variale in C stored ina) heap b) stack c) code segment d) none 7) Connectionless protocol is8) Which is associative of data link layerOptions a b c d9) Page pault occurs whena) page is not in virtual address spaceb) page is not in virtual addr spacec) bothd) none10) When a process waits for an i/o operation to complete then it is calledoptionsa) ready11) Router...

Karshak Engg. College, Uppal ,3 June 2006

VALUELABS PATTERN - 03 JUN 2006 - UPPALDear Frnds,Here I am going to present the ,ValueLabs, Paper Pattern.I have Attented and Seleceted by "Valuelabs" Off-campus at Karshak Engg. college, Uppal on 3rd June.The pattern :1.Wrtten2.GD3.Tech-InterviewTotal Appered candidates--800Written cleared--200GD cleared---81Got Offered--25Quetions may consist of Vocabulay, Analytical, Genaral Knowledge, Simple Logical and Some C technical Quetions. Total of 25 Quetions1-5. Q are Vocabulary, Genaraly from Gre Barrans6-10.Q are Fill in the blank, Genaraly from Gre Barrans11-12- are Analytical13-17 are GenaralKnowledge18-22 are Simple Logical23-15 are C technical Quetions mostly on pointersFollwed by GD and...

Karshak Engg. College, Hyderabad ,2 June 2006

VALUE LABS PATTERN - 3rd JUN 2006 - karshak Engg. College, Hyderabad Hi Friend,z ... I have attended the Value Labs written Test on june 3rd,2006 at Karshak Engg. College,but I was not short listed in written test,Test pattern is 1. English Analogy 6 qns.2. Reading Comprehension 2 qns.3. Fillin the blanks with appropriate words 5-6qns4. General Knowledge 5 qns.5. Quantitative aptitude 6 qns. very simple.6. C-language 3qns( outputs of Program).

Whole Testpaper Hyderabad - 24 February 2007

VALUE LABS PAPER ON 24th FEBRUARY AT HYDERABAD today it is bad experience to me, this is happen bcoz of lack of knowledge in test pattern , i searched for so many sites , but i didnt find any , even the pattern. soo i want to share my experience and pattern dat i faced today.atleast now the others may get the useful info from this. Totally 220 mebers attended only 22 selected in written(they attempted 4 th section) out of them 6 got selected .no one really dont know the pattern and the timer action for me it is online test duration is 30 min and note dat it is 4 sections, u hav to maintain da time carefully(i didnt attempted da 4th section bcz i dont know dat it is there upto last second...

Whole Testpaper HYDERABAD - 22 July 2006

VALUE LABS PAPER & INTERVIEW ON 22 JUL 2006 AT HYDERABAD Hai frnds,Useful for those who are going to attend from Tuesday onwards?? I am an ECE B.TECH student. There are two people in the interview panel both technical and H.R will be conducted by them simultaneously MY EXPERIENCE AND QUESTIONS THEY ASKED ME After entering the panel I have wished both the interviewers. Then they asked me to take my seat and asked to give my resume(Give the resume with u r reference on it, it may favour you). When did you come here in the morning? 8:00 am sir. When did you start at your room? 7:00 am sir. Where do you live in Hyderabad? Mehdipatnam sir. Did you have your lunch? No sir. How are you feeling now?...

Whole Testpaper Karshak Engg. College, Uppal - 3 June 2006

VALUELABS PATTERN - 03 JUN 2006 - UPPAL Dear Frnds,Here I am going to present the ,ValueLabs, Paper Pattern.I have Attented and Seleceted by "Valuelabs" Off-campus at Karshak Engg. college, Uppal on 3rd June.The pattern :1.Wrtten2.GD3.Tech-InterviewTotal Appered candidates--800Written cleared--200GD cleared---81Got Offered--25Quetions may consist of Vocabulay, Analytical, Genaral Knowledge, Simple Logical and Some C technical Quetions. Total of 25 Quetions1-5. Q are Vocabulary, Genaraly from Gre Barrans6-10.Q are Fill in the blank, Genaraly from Gre Barrans11-12- are Analytical13-17 are GenaralKnowledge18-22 are Simple Logical23-15 are C technical Quetions mostly on pointers

Whole Testpaper Karshak Engg. College, Hyderabad - 2 June 2006

VALUE LABS PATTERN - 3rd JUN 2006 - karshak Engg. College, Hyderabad Hi Friend,z ... I have attended the Value Labs written Test on june 3rd,2006 at Karshak Engg. College,but I was not short listed in written test,Test pattern is 1. English Analogy 6 qns.2. Reading Comprehension 2 qns.3. Fillin the blanks with appropriate words 5-6qns4. General Knowledge 5 qns.5. Quantitative aptitude 6 qns. very simple.6. C-language 3qns( outputs of Program).

ValueLabs Paper Whole Testpaper Karshak Engg. College, Uppal - 3 June 2006

The pattern :1.Wrtten2.GD3.Tech-InterviewTotal Appered candidates--800Written cleared--200GD cleared---81Got Offered--25Quetions may consist of Vocabulay, Analytical, Genaral Knowledge, Simple Logical and Some C technical Quetions. Total of 25 Quetions1-5. Q  are Vocabulary, Genaraly from Gre Barrans6-10.Q are Fill in the blank, Genaraly from Gre Barrans11-12- are Analytical13-17 are  GenaralKnowledge18-22 are Simple Logical23-15 are C technical Quetions mostly on pointersFollwed by GD and Tech Interview. Its quite easy and prepare well 

VALUE LABS PATTERN - 3rd JUN 2006 - Karshak Engg. College, Hyderabad

Test pattern is 1. English Analogy  6 qns.2. Reading Comprehension 2 qns.3. Fillin the blanks with appropriate words 5-6qns4. General Knowledge 5 qns.5. Quantitative aptitude 6 qns. very simple.6. C-language 3qns( outputs of Program). 
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