Newgen Paper Whole Testpaper
**how to represent > in html **3-4 other questions on html. On cookies, url etc. (cookies are there on browser side) I think this was the ques. **Microprocessor 8085 based questions on address bus , data bus. 3 questions of the type 24 bits bus 190 instructions 1)No of bits in the opcode - 8 2) no of bits in the address - 16 3) no of memory areas that can be accessed - 65536 **for mod 9 counter how many min flips flops are required ans) 4 **in hamming code we have 4 bit data. How many extra bits are required for code **read java basics, 4-5 questions. read classes, overriding member functions, inheritance basics etc **what does select represent in relational algebra ans) project **given a...