Force Paper Whole Testpaper
Force Computers Questions Aptitude:4-5 questions on completing the given number seriesfor eg: 2 3 6 15 ?(a).. (b)42 (c)..(d)..ans: difference b/w consecutive nos: 1, 3, 9,?=>each no is multiplied by 3 to get the next addendtherefore, 9*3=27 is to be added to 15 to get the ans=42 4-5 questions on completing the given letter & no series ...dont remember any:) recline:lie-down::?(a)stand:sit (b)run:jump(c)..(d)... a paragraph was answer the next 5-6 questions based on the paragraph.. if a man sells 2 things at rs.99/- and makes a profit of 10% on 1 and a loss of 10% on the other, he ended with(a) a loss of 2rs (b)a gain of 2rs (c)a loss of 3rs (d)a gain of 3rs a problem on pipes...