How To Become A Rapper In India? How Much They Earn?

In recent years, the Indian music industry has witnessed a surge in the popularity of rap and hip-hop. With artists like Divine, Naezy, and Raftaar gaining international recognition.

How to Become a Rapper in India? How much they Earn?

In recent years, the Indian music industry has witnessed a surge in the popularity of rap and hip-hop. With artists like Divine, Naezy, and Raftaar gaining international recognition, the rap scene in India has never been more vibrant and promising. If you aspire to become a rapper in India and are curious about potential earnings, this in-depth guide will provide you with insights and a roadmap to kickstart your journey.

Understanding the Basics

What is Rap?

Rap is a genre of music characterized by spoken or chanted lyrics, often in a rhythmic and rhyming pattern, accompanied by beats produced by various instruments and electronic sounds. Rap music provides artists with a platform to express their thoughts, experiences, and emotions through lyrics, making it a powerful medium for storytelling and social commentary.

The History of Rap in India

Rap music in India has evolved significantly over the years. It first gained prominence in the late 1990s and early 2000s when artists like Baba Sehgal and Apache Indian introduced the genre. However, the real breakthrough came in the 2010s when underground artists like Divine and Naezy brought authentic Indian stories and experiences to the forefront of the rap scene.

Different Styles of Rap

Rap is a versatile genre with various styles, including storytelling rap, battle rap, conscious rap, and trap rap. Aspiring Indian rappers have the opportunity to experiment with these styles and develop their unique voice within the genre.

Developing Your Skills

Writing Lyrics

Writing compelling and meaningful lyrics is the heart of rap. Practice writing regularly, explore different themes, and experiment with wordplay and metaphors. Draw inspiration from your personal experiences and the world around you.

Improving Your Flow

Flow is the rhythmic and melodic aspect of rap delivery. It's essential to develop a unique flow that sets you apart from other artists. Study different flows, practice delivery, and work on your breath control to maintain a consistent flow.

Mastering Delivery

Delivery encompasses how you convey your lyrics, including tone, energy, and emotions. It's crucial to master delivery to connect with your audience effectively. Record yourself, listen critically, and make necessary adjustments to enhance your delivery.

Beat Selection and Production

Choosing the right beats is essential to complement your lyrics and style. You can either work with producers or produce your beats. Understanding beat selection and production will give you creative control over your music.

Building Your Brand

Creating a Unique Persona

A distinct persona helps you stand out. It could be an alter ego or a reflection of your true self. Think about what makes you unique and build your brand around it.

Choosing a Rap Name

Your rap name is your identity in the industry. It should be memorable and align with your persona. Research to ensure it's not already in use and secure your online presence with that name.

Social Media Presence

In the digital age, social media is crucial for building a fan base. Consistently share your music, and behind-the-scenes content, and engage with your followers to create a dedicated fan base.

Collaborations and Networking

Collaborating with other artists and networking within the industry can open doors to opportunities. Attend local events and connect with producers and fellow rappers to expand your network.

4. Recording and Releasing Music

Setting Up a Home Studio

Creating a home studio doesn't have to be expensive. Invest in essential recording equipment, software, and soundproofing to produce quality music from the comfort of your space.

Working with Producers

Collaborating with experienced producers can elevate your music. They can help refine your sound and bring your vision to life.

Distribution Platforms

Platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube are essential for reaching a global audience. Utilize these platforms to release and promote your music.

Music Video Production

Visuals are crucial in today's music industry. Consider creating music videos to accompany your tracks, making them more appealing to viewers.

5. Performance and Stage Presence

Live Shows and Gigs

Performing live is a rite of passage for rappers. It's a chance to connect with your fans on a deeper level. Start with local gigs and open mics to gain experience.

Engaging with the Audience

Interact with your audience during live performances. Engage them with your stage presence, energy, and crowd interaction.

Stage Confidence

Confidence is key on stage. Practice and experience will help boost your confidence over time.

6. Monetizing Your Talent

Income Sources for Rappers: Average Monthly Income

Rappers can earn through various streams, including streaming revenue, live shows, merchandise sales, sponsorships, and endorsements. An average Indian rapper earns 20 lakhs monthly.

If we compare this to Canada, an average Canadian Rapper would make somewhere around 20,000 per month. However, on the lower end, the salary of Audiologists in South Africa goes as low as ZAR 25,750 per month. 

Streaming Revenue

Platforms like Spotify and YouTube pay artists based on the number of streams their songs receive. Building a substantial online following can lead to a steady income stream.

Merchandise Sales

Selling merchandise such as t-shirts, hoodies, and posters with your branding can be a lucrative source of income.

Sponsorships and Endorsements

As your popularity grows, brands may approach you for sponsorships and endorsements. These deals can be quite lucrative, but it's essential to choose partnerships that align with your image and values.

Success Stories

Profiles of Successful Indian Rappers

  • Divine: From the streets of Mumbai to global recognition, Divine's journey has been an inspiration to many.

  • Naezy: Known for his raw and authentic storytelling, Naezy's rise to fame showcased the power of relatable lyrics.

  • Raftaar: With a unique style and entrepreneurial spirit, Raftaar has diversified his income through music and business ventures.

Challenges and Roadblocks


The rap scene in India is highly competitive. To succeed, you must continually hone your skills and find ways to stand out.

Cultural Challenges

Navigating cultural sensitivities and societal expectations can be challenging, especially when addressing controversial topics.

Financial Constraints

Starting a music career can be financially taxing. It's essential to manage your finances wisely and explore opportunities for financial support.

Legal and Copyright Considerations

Copyright Your Music

Protect your intellectual property by copyrighting your music. This safeguards your work from unauthorized use and allows you to monetize it.

Sampling and Clearances

If you use samples in your music, ensure you have the necessary clearances to avoid legal issues.

Contracts and Agreements

When collaborating with producers, fellow artists or signing with a label, always have clear contracts and agreements in place to protect your interests.


Becoming a rapper in India is a challenging but rewarding journey. While the earnings can vary widely, success in the industry requires dedication, continuous improvement, and a strong online presence. Remember that every successful rapper started as an aspiring artist, and with perseverance, you can carve your path to stardom. Stay true to your unique voice, and the sky's the limit for your earnings and impact on the Indian rap scene. Good luck on your journey to becoming the next big Indian rapper!

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